Campaign Monitor—a provider of powerful yet approachable email marketing software—today released its annual global email marketing benchmarks report providing marketers with insights into industry averages and empowering them to build a data-backed strategy. The report was developed after analyzing billions of emails sent globally using the Campaign Monitor platform.

“Marketing has evolved to become a data-driven discipline, and marketers need to actively measure the effectiveness of their campaigns and programs,” said Lane Harbin, director of marketing at Campaign Monitor. “Campaign Monitor’s annual global email marketing benchmarks report gives marketers a resource to see how their performance stacks up globally and within their industry in key areas, such as email open, click-through, click-to-open, unsubscribe and bounce rates. Savvy marketers can use this information to quickly double down on areas where they are excelling and determine where they need to make improvements in 2020.”

From the global data, Campaign Monitor was able to unveil the following email marketing benchmarks, including all industries:

  • Average open rate: 17.8%
  • Average click-through rate: 2.6%
  • Average click-to-open rate: 14.3%
  • Average unsubscribe rate: 0.1%
  • Average bounce rate: 0.7%

Other key findings include:

  • Government organizations unseated nonprofits as the top industry for open rates, with government email open rates improving by nearly 11% in 2019. The government market had some of the highest performing emails across multiple categories, including click-through rates.
  • Other high-performing industries for open rates included nonprofits and education. While the automotive and aerospace, and retail industries experienced much lower open rates year-over-year.
  • Global retail open rates dropped in 2019, though engagement remained high. Retail has some of the highest competition of all industries, which can lead to low open rates.
  • Tuesdays see the highest open rates, but also the highest unsubscribe rates, showcasing that there is not an elusive “best day” to send.
  • The highest-performing industries see high engagement in all areas. Government, alongside real estate, design and construction activities, and agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting have some of the highest performing emails across the board.

Harbin continued, “Email marketing continues to engage today’s consumers. And we predict even higher numbers for next year.”

The full report including all of the email and campaign data, along with tactics to improve email marketing metrics is now available on Campaign Monitor’s website. Country-specific reports for the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia will go live in the coming months.

About Campaign Monitor

Campaign Monitor, a CM Group brand, is a global technology company providing a powerful yet approachable email marketing platform. Founded in 2004, Campaign Monitor’s mission is to provide customers with the tools they need to create meaningful connections with their audiences. Over 250,000 customers worldwide use Campaign Monitor’s easy-to-use design, personalization and automation tools to create and deliver stunning emails that drive real business results. For more information about Campaign Monitor, or to try it for free, visit