The Prime Minister of Ukraine MykolaAzarovis deeply indignant with spread in media reports into allegations of the expected increase of utility tariffs for the population.

Thus, the opening a meeting of the Government MykolaAzarovsaid that last week one of the big TV-channel show a plot, in which people are actually scared with tariff increases and people are in panic, because can not make ends meet. "Here, a single mom from Kirovograd OlenaSuholentsevagets paid UAH 1500 and she pays UAH 450 for utilities. But pensionarySolimchukfrom Rivnepays quarter of her pension for utilities", MykolaAzarovsaid.

He said that he had been shocked.

The Prime Minister warned all on speculation about higher tariffs for the population. "We have coped for two years with the situation without tariffs increase. And today, there are no extreme conditions that have been in 2010, to speculate on this topic, he said. - Our people will pay only feasible according to their income and reasonable tariff".

It's another matter MykolaAzarovemphasized that the Government proposes a part of the burden of fiscal compensate for the difference in tariffs put on the wealthy men. " Wewill improve the system of differentiated tariffs for those who can safely pay the market value for heating and other utilities, the Prime Minister assured, adding that It is socially fair system, and to deny it - just nonsense. - Maybe the owners and top managers of certain channels do not like it, which do not count cents, but it will help to protect those who are a penny counts".

Moreover, MykolaAzarovistructedto study: how can it be that people pay more for utilities than identified by law 10% of income for pensioners and 15% of income for those who work. "itwas found that the channel reported multimillion audience lie. Mrs. Suholentsevaand Mrs. Solimchukreceive a grant in accordance with their specific financial situation. And no fare increase they felt and will not feel. It was not difficult to find out to a correspondent. Instead, lie was distributed", the Prime Minister said.

He added a few days later the same channel continued to escalate of tariffs increase and showed the plot, which claimed that here, tariff for heat energy in Monasteryschedistrict of Cherkassy Region has been increased, which is also untrue. On the contrary, on December 26, 2012 City Council refused utility companies to raise tariffs and the tariff has been not changed in Monasteryschesince August 2011.

As it turned out the district authorities had already addressed a letter to the leadership of TV-channel with the requirement to refute false information.

"This is a deliberate information opposition to policy of the Government, isn't it? In fact, this is an artificial creation of negative expectations, pessimism", MykolaAzarovdeclared.

According to him, the Government welcomes the critical publication of media that cover deficiencies or violations, because it helps eliminate them and protect people. But disinformation and manipulation of public opinion is unacceptable.

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