Dear Customer,

On November 14th 2014 the OFFICAL MEXICAM NORM NOM-012-SCT-2-2104 was published on the Official Newspaper of the Federation, valid as from January 15th, 2015.

This norm stablishes all classifications and specifications that apply for the maximum weights and dimensions for all federal transport vehicles as well as that the responsibility of any damage as a result of overweight or over dimension falls on the service contracting party.

In order to not delay your shipments programmes, it is highly advisable that to declare the exact weight at the moment of requesting your booking, which should be within the federal weight restrictions, otherwise, the service contracting party will be responsible for paying the administrative fines and damages originated for not complying with this rule.

In order to comply with this norm, please consider following figures, which apply to exports and imports by trucking and railing:

TRUCK Full/Tandem  20´, 40´ y RF´s  23 Tons
TRUCK Single (***)    20´, 40´ y RF´s  26 Tons
Rail + Truck                20´                    23 Tons
Rail + Truck                40´                    26 Tons

(***) Single trucking is subject to:
• Availability of units.
• Payment of 30% of the trucking freight.                                                                   

Considering above restrictions, all rail operators could accept higher weights for 20' container, provided the Customer pays an overweight surcharge, which is 25% over the railing rate.
Being a federal norm, it is valid at all the Mexican territory, including trucking and railing.

Also please consider that according to the provisions of Paragraph 6.4 of the norm, all customers who request services that require the use of a lower classification road (roads type B or C ) and serve to connect Production Plants, Logistics Centres, or the address that the client set for the proper performance of the service, the CUSTOMER must request permission " connectivity cases " to the Secretariat of Communications and Transport. For further information you can click on the link below, where you can access all the information from the Secretariat of Communications and Transport for this special permission.

Should you need further information, please feel free to contact our Customer Service Team at Mexico

Warm Regards,

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