Announcement, 18 January 2013 13:00

Selection of Statistics Netherlands releases in the period 21-25 January 2013 (Week 4).
Publication (in Dutch) at 9.30 hrs.
Reporting period
Monday 21 January
House prices December 2012
Private sector investments November 2012
Consumer confidence 1) January 2013
Male part-timers
Architectural projects 3rd quarter 2012
Tuesday 22 January
Local taxes January 2013
Wednesday 23 January
Bankruptcies 1) 2012
Thursday 24 January
Consumer spending 1) November 2012
Benefits abroad
Friday 25 January
Producer confidence 1) January 2013
Business Cycle Tracer January 2013
Wate consumption
Ownership rate digital television sets
1)Including Flash.
NB:  The English translations of the releases are published at 15.00 hrs on the same day, or at 15.00 hrs on the following day.
Publication planning Planning of other releases and publications
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