Contact: , 402-856-2097;

(0:00 - 0:59) Did you know … The checkoff's journey from an extensive print and radio consumer-marketing campaign to an integrated digital campaign in 2014 has begun with a data-centered approach focused on "micro-" or "geo-targeting." This technology allows us to deliver, for example, a relevant beef solution to millennial moms in a particular geographic region who are actively looking for quick and simple weeknight meals. Promotions are taking on a variety of digital forms, including search engine optimization, Facebook advertising, display advertising and other emerging online tools. Through this process, the checkoff is working to deepen interactions and engagement with this critical consumer target - driving them to the checkoff's existing resources, like Beef. It's What's for Dinner website, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Pinterest properties to access the specific information they need at the exact moment that they need the information. To learn more about your beef checkoff investment, visit

(1:02 - 1:43) Did you know … The checkoff's successful "Beef. It's What's For Dinner." Facebook page is working to enhance, encourage and elevate consumers' passion for beef through an exciting new visual and "storytelling" approach. This refreshed focus aims to help consumers enjoy beef year-round by providing the checkoff's delicious and nutritious beef recipes, tips and techniques, family mealtime ideas and holiday food inspiration and keeping beef top-of-mind for consumers online 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The page has more than 814,000 total likes, or fans. For more information about your beef checkoff investment, visit

(1:46 - 2:24) Did you know … From June 1 to Dec. 31, 2013, continued to see significant traffic and consumer engagement. Nearly 907,000 people visited the site during the period, with most spending about two minutes and 45 seconds there - well ahead of the industry standard of just 10 to 20 seconds per site. Here's how they are getting to the site: 45 percent of visitors type in the website's URL to go directly to; 23 percent come from Google; and 7.5 percent come from Facebook. For more information about your beef checkoff investment, visit

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The Beef Checkoff Program was established as part of the 1985 Farm Bill. The checkoff assesses $1 per head on the sale of live domestic and imported cattle, in addition to a comparable assessment on imported beef and beef products. States retain up to 50 cents on the dollar and forward the other 50 cents per head to the Cattlemen's Beef Promotion and Research Board, which administers the national checkoff program, subject to USDA approval. # # #
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