Brokersclub AG - Annual Financial Report

Hünenberg, January, 27 2014

Audited Financial Statement for the year ended 31 December 2012

Hünenberg, 27th January 2014; Brokersclub AG (GXG Markets: BCAG) (the
"Company") is pleased to announce its audited financial statements for year
ended 31st December 2012.

Board of Directors Statement

During the year the Company has concentrated its efforts to increase the level
of popularity. Appealing to potential mandates and the target group of
investors the Board of Directors has decided to sponsor various sport events
and financial trade fairs within Europe and Overseas.

In 2012 the company has completed their strategic planning and strategic
position with the main focus on its corporate branding. At the end of 2011 the
fully owned subsidiary established in Malta has applied for a Category 2
Investment Service License by the MFSA (Malta Financial Service Authority).The
Company has anticipated that the regulator would have had issued the license
within 2012 to start their operations in this period. This process was not
finished by the end of the year; so that the company was not in the position to
attract prospective new clients.

While the subject period and recent times have been difficult across the Swiss
Financial Sector caused by several Money Laundering Affairs, the Board has
focused its efforts on its corporate branding and product developments. The
Company is an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution and has continued to
implement the various risk and compliance manuals and procedure.

Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Board

Daniel E. Wyss



AKTIVEN                                           31.12.2012         31.12.2011

Umlaufvermögen                                           CHF                CHF

Flüssige Mittel                                   970.868,64          60.435,94

Übrige Forderungen                                 18.279,15           3.041,60

Kautionen                                             500,00             136,10

Total Umlaufvermögen                              989.647,79          64.113,64


Darlehen gegenüber Dritten                         33.575,40          25.000,00

Darlehen gegenüber Aktionär                       415.264,30               0,00

Lizenzen                                          100.000,00               0,00

Wertschriften                                           0,00          36.397,85

Büromaschinen                                      58.398,09           1.200,00

EDV-Anlage                                         41.118,58           3.200,00

Total Aktiven                                   1.638.004,16         129.911,49



Verbindlichkeiten                                 112.297,75          26.490.30

Verbindlichkeiten gegenüber Aktionäre           1.719.904,15          48.903,70

Passive Rechnungsabgrenzung                        70.583,35           2.000,00

Total Fremdkapital                              1.902.785,25          77.421,00


Aktienkapital                                     271.000,00         100.000,00

Agio                                              610.656,50               0,00

Verlustvortrag                                     47.509,51          63.083,81

Jahresverlust / - gewinn                        1.098.928,08          15.574,30

Total Eigenkapital                                264.781.09          52.490,49

Total Passiven                                  1.638.004,16         129.911,49

Erfolgsrechnung 2012


Honorarertrag                                       3.751,97         207.190,00

Wertschriftenerfolg                                 7.676,87               0,00

Zinsertrag                                          2.990,65             136,10

Results and Dividends                              14.419,49 207.326,10


Fremdarbeiten                                      53.406,50          13.187,95

Kommissionsaufwand                                483.120,25               0,00

Sponsoring/ Ausstellung Messen                    217.905,09               0,00

Verwaltungsratshonorar                              8.000,00           8.000,00

Sozialleistungen                                    1.225,85           1.230,05

Weiterbildung                                      11.248,50          10.388,10

Mietaufwand                                         5.760,00           5.760,00

Bankzinsen- und Spesen                              2.753,93             755,77

Aufwand Wertschriften                                 276,51             867,85

Kursdifferenzen                                     4.836,99             644,99

Abschreibungen                                      4.150,93           2.992,80

EDV und übriger Verwaltungsaufwand                 17.961,05           3.450,21

Unterhalt Betriebseinrichtung                           0,00             374,50

Verwaltungsaufwand                                 63.238,38          33.776,75

Büroaufwand                                         1.874,10           3.421,65

Telefon, Fax                                        1.880,35             625,10

Mitgliedschaften                                      250,00             250,00

Buchhaltung und Revision                           30.215,40           7.510,35

Rechts- und Beratungskosten                        78.848,70          47.177,56

Werbekosten, Reise- und                           126.320,64          77.482,02

Direkte Steuern                                        74,40             232,05

Total Aufwand                                   1.113.347,57         191.751,80

Jahresverlust/-gewinn                           1.098.928,08          15.574,30

The consolidated loss of for the year after taxation transferred against
reserves amounted to CHF 1.098.928.08. The company had just a marginal turnover
of CHF 3.751,97 for the period. The loss relates to management, administration,
marketing- and sponsoring, head office and consultancy fees incurred during the
year. The Directors do not propose that a dividend be paid.

Significant Events

  * Brokersclub Polo Snow Night 2012 January 2012 (Polo Tournament)

  * Deutsche Anlegermesse 2012 February 2012 (sponsored by Brokersclub)

  * Increase in share capital up to CHF 200.000,00 as of 29th February 2012

  * Brokersclub sponsored EnBW Ludwigsburg in March 2012 (Basketball)

  * Increase in share capital up to CHF 250.000,00 as of 18th May 2012

  * Sponsoring of Sister`S Cup May 2012 (Polo Tournament)

  * Brokersclub is Main-Sponsor of the EM Qualifications (Polo Tournament)

  * Brokersclub Independence Cup 2012 in July 2012 (Polo Tournament)

  * Sponsoring Frankfurt Gold Cup 2012 in September 2012 (Polo Tournament)

  * Increase in share capital up to CHF 271.000,00 as of 28th September 2012

  * Sponsoring of Principles in Finance October 2012 (Charity Project in

  * Brokersclub AG wins the Award for "Best International Broker" at the CIOTE
    (China International Online Trading Exhibition) at the end of November 2012

The financial information included in this announcement for the year ended 31
December 2012, has been audited and a copy of the Annual Report and Accounts
are available from the company. The Directors of the company accept
responsibility for this announcement.

For further information on this announcement or general information on the
Company please contact:

Brokersclub AG

Rothusstrasse 23

CH -6331 Hünenberg

Tel: +41 41 710 90 22

Fax: +41 41 710 90 23