Ecological consulting firm Biohabitats, Inc. is proud to announce that the company has earned the JUST™ label. Created by the International Living Future Institute, a global think-tank dedicated to a socially just, culturally rich and ecologically restorative society, the JUST program recognizes leadership in corporate social responsibility.

Similar to a nutrition label on food packaging, the JUST label helps stakeholders understand the composition of a company—its values, business model, policies and workplace culture. The program provides a transparent platform for organizations to voluntarily disclose initiatives in the categories of Diversity, Equity, Safety, Worker Benefit, Local Benefit, and Stewardship.

“The JUST program strongly aligns with both the work and culture of Biohabitats,” said the firm’s president and founder, Keith Bowers. “We’re honored to display the JUST label, and proud to be part of a growing community of businesses focused on improving social equity and enhancing employee engagement.”

Biohabitats is one of only 63 companies from around the world who have earned the certification since the program launched in 2015.

“Biohabitats’ JUST label is reflective of the organization's values and their long-standing commitment to approaching their work with a sense of compassion, fairness and equity for all peoples and their communities,” said Francis Janes, JUST Program Manager with International Living Future Institute.

More information about Biohabitats: Biohabitats applies the science of ecology to restoring ecosystems, conserving habitat, and regenerating the natural systems that sustain all life on Earth. Through research, planning, engineering, design, and construction, Biohabitats’ interdisciplinary team of ecologists, geomorphologists, biologists, engineers, landscape architects and planners helps communities throughout the world to protect biodiversity, restore ecological functions and strengthen ecological resilience while addressing issues of environmental justice and ecological democracy.