The New Year is a great time for resolutions, but also a time where work and life begins to overwhelm you again, leaving those goals to fall to the wayside, or even worse to your waistline. Why not maintain those goals in an affordable way while requiring little to no effort?! Leave your past crash diets and long hours of cooking behind by ordering healthy complete meals online, leaving more time for your other resolutions as we enter into the new year. Eating Primal meals are locally sourced, allergen friendly, nutritionally balanced, non-GMO, leaving all the cooking to trained professionals.

As lifestyles continue to become more rushed and pressed for time, Americans continue to switch their habits, in attempts to go back to the basics of eating in order to become healthier for both themselves and their families. Eating Primal is a full-service food company helping people transition into a healthier lifestyle while simultaneously saving them time.

About: Eating Primal is an experienced food service company specializing in high fiber, gourmet meals, that cater to gluten-free, low glycemic and Paleo lifestyles. The easy to use website allows you to customize your meals from weekly rotating entrees, side dishes, chef specials, and occasional treats. These Pre-made meals are available for both Home and Office Delivery as well as for pick-up at any of their 33 Pick-Up Sites conveniently located in the Greater Denver and Boulder Areas of Colorado. Eating Primal focuses on high protein, high fiber, antibiotic-free, non-GMO, gluten-free ingredients, with a major emphasis on locally sourced fresh vegetables to provide clients balanced, and nutritional portions. Follow on social media for a tasting near you.