Shareholders are referred to the announcements released by Adcock Ingram on 10 July 2012 and 1 November 2012 relating to the acquisition of certain intangible assets of Cosme Farma Laboratories Limited, a pan-Indian pharmaceutical company based in Goa, India (the "Transaction").

Shareholders are advised that all conditions precedent to the Transaction have been met, or where appropriate, waived by Adcock Ingram. The effective date of the Transaction is on 17 January 2013.

Additionally we draw shareholders' attention to the following issues, which are disclosed on a voluntary basis:

1. The purchase price, as previously disclosed, of ZAR708 million has increased by ZAR37 million to ZAR745 million. This increase is as a result of a 5.3% decrease in the exchange rate of the South Africa Rand against the Indian Rupee between 10 July 2012 and 21 December 2012, the latter date being the date of conversion of South African Rands to Indian Rupee;

2. The stamp duty, as previously disclosed, of INR240 million or ZAR35 million has reduced by approximately INR185 million or ZAR26 million to INR55 million or ZAR9 million;

3. An annual amortisation charge of approximately INR292 million or ZAR45 million has been calculated for inclusion in the pro forma Statement of Comprehensive Income. This charge together with the resultant tax effects does not have a material effect on the previously disclosed pro forma financial effects relating to the Transaction; and

4. The above amounts are based on a ZAR/INR exchange rate of 0.1474 as at 9 July 2012 and 0.1553 as at 21 December 2012, the latter being the date of conversion of South African Rands to Indian Rupee.

[?] January 2013

Deutsche Securities (SA) Proprietary Limited

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