Acensium has created digital twins through reality capture of millions of cubic feet for Southern Company, Duke Energy, Georgia Pacific, and many other industrial clients. As a leader in industrial 3D scanning and modeling, the company has amassed more than 2 trillion scan points taking up 120 terabytes of data and developed workflows that convert these massive amounts of data into critical digital assets available for immediate use by clients.

Well built digital twins of industrial projects mitigate risk in retrofit and maintenance projects by eliminating erroneous and unknown dimensional information. Acensium has more than quadrupled its reality capture practice in the last 2 years and expects even more aggressive growth going forward. To facilitate further growth, it has enlisted Eric Barnes as the new Director of Operations to scale the Scan and Model division.

“Acensium is excited to welcome Eric aboard,” commented Jason Schwartz, Principal at Acensium. “Our industrial scan and model services division is booming and we are working hard to scale while expanding the workflow services we offer around it. Eric’s business acumen and leadership skills will allow us to deliver an even better product to our clients, faster.”

For the next year, Eric has been tasked with implementing enterprise level workflow systems to manage growth out of Acensium’s new Georgia office. In his last position with Winsupply, Eric spearheaded internal efficiency by implementing a large procurement software solution.

“Demand for reality capture has skyrocketed as plant engineers and construction managers realize accurate as-builts can be delivered quickly and cost-effectively today,” explained Eric. “Utilizing reality capture to establish a sound project foundation is becoming mainstream. I’m looking forward to expanding the volume of services we offer and streamlining the delivery process. It’s exciting to be at the forefront of the next revolution for industrial engineering environments.”

About Acensium

Acensium is a leader in industrial 3D scanning and modeling services. In the past 15 years, Acensium has provided consulting, operations and engineering support for the execution of construction and retrofit projects for companies that include Southern Company, Duke Energy, Georgia Pacific, and others throughout the United States.