Regulatory News:

ASIT biotech (BSE:ASIT) (Paris:ASIT) (ASIT - BE0974289218), a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the research, development and future commercialization of breakthrough immunotherapy products for the treatment of allergies, today announces that it has received a transparency notification dated 28 January, 2019, the result of which is - following a capital increase completed on January 10th – that SA SRIW and SA SOFIPOLE have jointly now 4,94% of the Company’s voting rights, and have thus decreased its stake below the 5% threshold.

The statement dated 28 January 2019 notably includes the following information:

  • Purpose of the notification

Passive crossing of a threshold

  • Notification by

A parent company or a person in control

  • Person subject to the notification requirement

SRIW SA – Avenue Maurice Destenay 13, 4000 Liège
SOFIPOLE SA – Avenue Maurice Destenay 13, 4000 Liège

  • Date of the transaction

January 10th, 2019

  • Threshold crossed (%)

Downward crossing of the 5% threshold

  • Denominator

A total of 18,640,535 voting rights

  • This notification is available on ASIT biotech’s website, in the Documentation / Regulated information section:


About ASIT biotech

ASIT biotech is a Belgian clinical stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the development and future commercialization of a range of breakthrough immunotherapy products for the treatment of allergies. Thanks to its innovative ASIT+™ technology platform, ASIT biotech is currently the only developer of allergy immunotherapy (AIT) product candidates consisting of a unique mixture of highly purified natural allergen fragments in an optimal size selection. This innovation results in a short treatment, expected to improve patient compliance and real-life effectiveness. ASIT biotech’s product pipeline contains three novel ASIT+™ product candidates targeting respiratory allergies with the highest prevalence (i.e. grass pollen: gp-ASIT+™ and house dust mite: hdm-ASIT+™), and food allergies (peanut allergy: pnt-ASIT+™) that could significantly expand the current immunotherapy market. The Company believes that its innovative ASIT+™ platform is flexible and would be applicable across a range of allergies.

ASIT biotech has a headcount of 26 staff members, at its headquarters in Brussels and a laboratory in Liège, Belgium.

Further information can be found at