WASHINGTON, Jan. 14, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- ADEPT Driver CEO, Dr. Richard Harkness, is available as a resource for media interested in driver safety innovation at the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting in Washington DC this week. The TRB event, held January 13-17 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, convenes thousands of transportation professionals from around the world.

ADEPT Driver logo. (PRNewsFoto/ADEPT Driver)

Dr. Harkness is a nationally recognized expert on innovations in driver safety. At a TRB Human Factors workshop held yesterday, he presented targeted neurocognitive training as a means to prevent auto collisions by treating the causes of car crashes, including driver distraction, driver complacency, and technology-induced inattention. In this day and age, humans and robot-driven automobiles must co-exist on the same roads.

Dr. Harkness can be reached during TRB at 916-509-8012 or richard@adeptdriver.com.

"Visual cognitive awareness and crash avoidance skill training is more important than ever as new technologies emerge and mobile device distraction continues to be a significant cause of crashes on our highways," Dr. Harkness said. "Until self-driving technologies are perfected and adopted by most drivers— likely over two decades from now – drivers need skills to conduct a quick visual search, spot hazards, and take appropriate action to avoid a crash. Drivers cannot become complacent with self-driving technologies. When technology fails without warning, a driver must be aware of the driving environment and be ready to quickly take control of the car. Our training provides the skills to do that."

Dr. Harkness founded ADEPT Driver, a research and development company that creates proven crash avoidance training technology, including Lifelong Driver and teenSMART. The company pioneered the use of psychometric-based driver simulations that strengthen drivers' neurocognitive pathways used for visual search, hazard detection, judging safe gaps in traffic, escape route identification, and risk assessment.

ADEPT Driver integrated the nation's first semi-autonomous vehicle (SAV) training program into its crash reduction programs to teach drivers about the safety limitations of these emerging technologies and to prevent driver complacency when using SAV technology. 

ADEPT Driver's technologies and training programs have been vetted by numerous insurance carriers for over two decades. teenSMART has been proven to reduce crash frequency by up to 30% and bodily injury by over 50%, and has been approved for insurance discounts by the departments of insurance in 49 states. The California Department of Motor Vehicles (CA DMV) has approved Lifelong Driver as a Mature Driver Improvement Course, one of the driver training programs listed by the DMV as specifically developed for senior drivers. With this designation, insurance companies are authorized to provide discounts on auto insurance to mature driver customers, age 55 or older, who successfully complete Lifelong Driver.

Contact: Richard Harkness, ADEPT Driver
Phone: 916-509-8012
Email: richard@adeptdriver.com


teenSMART Logo. (PRNewsFoto/ADEPT Driver)

Lifelong Driver Logo. (PRNewsFoto/ADEPT Driver)

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