KANSAS CITY, Mo., Jan. 8, 2015 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The holidays are over - now what? As an employer, you can help employees reignite their energy and boost productivity for your company.

"Encourage employees by supporting their New Year's resolutions," said Betsy Klein, Vice President of New Directions Behavioral Health®. "Whether they seek improved health, a stronger financial position or a renewed marital relationship, employers can help their employees thrive, resulting in a more satisfied and productive workplace."

    1. Remind employees that good health includes more than fitness. Everyone
       wants to do their best on the job and at home. When life is out of
       balance, both work and home life become affected. It's important to
       encourage people to set reasonable emotional, social and financial goals,
       along with their fitness and nutritional goals.

    2. Include an Employee Assistance Program (EAP).A strong company cannot
       exist without healthy employees - both physically and mentally. Consider
       integrating an EAP into your company wellness program to improve overall

    3. Host a "Financially Fit" information session.  After the holidays end,
       the bills arrive. Organize a seminar or webinar to help your employees
       set fiscal goals and get into financial shape. If you provide an EAP,
       inform employees that it offers free financial counseling. Place
       reminders in paychecks and on company bulletin boards or intranet sites.

    4. Inform workers of immediate assistance.Sometimes the holiday blues can
       slide into depression. Warning signals that may indicate depression
       include: frequent late arrival or absences from work, withdrawal from
       coworkers or office activities, increased errors or reduced productivity,
       and changes in personality. Most EAPs provide employees with 24/7 access
       to a hotline. Advise workers they can call their EAP anytime to make an
       appointment with a behavioral health professional.

    5. Reinforce confidentiality.The number one reason employees don't seek help
       and access their EAP is because they worry their employer will find out.
       Assure employees their confidentiality rights are protected by state and
       federal laws and that identifying information cannot be disclosed without
       written consent from the individual.

By taking concrete actions that recharge and re-energize your employees, you help support them to be their best in 2015.

One of the fastest growing behavioral health care companies in the nation, New Directions helps people live healthy, balanced lives by providing behavioral health care services, EAPs, organizational consulting and health coaching programs. For more information, visit ndbh.com.

To view the original version on PR Newswire, visit:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/5-ways-employers-can-help-employees-recharge-in-2015-300017984.html

SOURCE New Directions Behavioral Health