Geoffrey Grady

Geoffrey Grady

65 year
Health Services
Commercial Services

Geoffrey Grady active positions

AVEO GROUP Director/Board Member - -
Chief Executive Officer 2013-07-02 2019-10-31
Chief Operating Officer 2009-02-28 2013-07-02
MULPHA INTERNATIONAL Director/Board Member 2020-03-31 -
Independent Dir/Board Member 2020-03-31 -
AVEO HEALTHCARE LTD Chairman 2014-03-17 -
RVG Finance Pty Ltd. Director/Board Member - -
RVG Capital Pty Ltd. Director/Board Member - -
RVG (Wyvern) Pty Ltd. Director/Board Member - -
RVG (Weeroona) Pty Ltd. Director/Board Member - -
RVG (Hollywood Stage 2) Pty Ltd. Director/Board Member - -
RVG (Hollywood Stage 1) Pty Ltd. Director/Board Member - -
░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░ ░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░ - -
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░░░ ░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░ ░░░ ░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░ - -
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Career history of Geoffrey Grady

Former positions of Geoffrey Grady

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Training of Geoffrey Grady

The University of Queensland Graduate Degree



Australia 89
New Zealand 5
United States 2


Director/Board Member 119
Chief Executive Officer 5
Chairman 2


Health Services 8
Finance 7
Commercial Services 3

Positions held



Listed companies

Private companies

Linked companies

Listed companies2




Private companies92

Commercial Services


Health Services

Health Services

Health Services

Health Services

Commercial Services

F.P. Investments Ltd.

Mulpha Sanctuary Cove Pty Ltd.

Health Services


ARH Leisure Services Pty Ltd.

Australian Retirement Homes (No 2) Pty Ltd.

Data Plan Pty Ltd.

Evo-Con Pty Ltd.

Evo-Con Victoria Pty Ltd.

Aveo Extra Care Services Pty Ltd.

Flower Roof Pty Ltd.

Home Finance Pty Ltd.

Aveo Lindsay Gardens Management Pty Ltd.

Aveo North Shore Retirement Villages Pty Ltd.

Tasmanian Retirement Living Management Pty Ltd.

Aveo The Domain Retirement Country Club Pty Ltd.


Banool Road Pty Ltd.

Classey Pty Ltd.

Diamdale Investments Pty Ltd.

Norwest Real Estate Pty Ltd.

Retirement Services Australia (RSA) Pty Ltd.

Health Services

Health Services

Retirement Village Investments Ltd.

RSA Real Estate Pty Ltd.

RVNZ Holdings Ltd.

Fernbank Developments Pty Ltd.

Fernbank Management Pty Ltd.

Pittwater Palms Pty Ltd.

Pittwater Palms Management Pty Ltd.

Regency Services Pty Ltd.

RVG Finance Pty Ltd.

Banora Point Retirement Village Pty Ltd.

Camden Downs Management Services Pty Ltd.

Camden Downs Retirement Village Pty Ltd.

Candlestick Bidco Pty Ltd.

Candlestick Holdco Pty Ltd.

Cherry Tree Apartments Pty Ltd.

Cherry Tree Apartments (Holdings) Pty Ltd.

Cherry Tree Apartments (Management Services) Pty Ltd.

Cherry Tree Grove Retirement Village Pty Ltd.

Cherry Tree Grove Management Services Pty Ltd.

Banora Point Village Management Services Pty Ltd.

Edrington Park Retirement Village Pty Ltd.

Edrington Park Village Management Services Pty Ltd.

Edrington Park Lifestyle Serviced Apartments Mgt Svcs Pty Ltd

Edrington Park Lifestyle Serviced Apartments Pty Ltd.

Fountain Court Lifestyle Serviced Apartments Pty Ltd.

Fountain Court Management Services Pty Ltd.

Fountain Court Retirement Village Pty Ltd.

Fountain Court Lifestyle Serviced Apartments Mgt Svcs Pty Ltd

Fountain Court Lifestyle Serviced Apartments Holdings Pty Ltd


Kingston Green Management Services Pty Ltd.

Kingston Green Retirement Village Pty Ltd.

Kingston Green Lifestyle Serviced Apartments Mgt Svcs Pty Ltd

Roseville Lifestyle Serviced Apartments (Holdings) Pty Ltd.

Oak Tree Apartments Management Services Pty Ltd.

Oak Tree Hill Pty Ltd.

Oak Tree Lifestyle Serviced Apartments Pty Ltd.

Pinetree Management Services Pty Ltd.

Port Bouvard Funds Management Pty Ltd.

RVG Lifestyle Pty Ltd.

Roseville Lifestyle Serviced Apartments (Mgt Svcs) Pty Ltd.

Roseville Lifestyle Serviced Apartments Pty Ltd.

Roseville Management Services Pty Ltd.

RVG (Bethany) Pty Ltd.

RVG (Centennial) Pty Ltd.

RVG (Hollywood Stage 1) Pty Ltd.

RVG (Hollywood Stage 2) Pty Ltd.

RVG (Weeroona) Pty Ltd.

RVG (Wyvern) Pty Ltd.

RVG Capital Pty Ltd.

RVG Mosman Villages Pty Ltd.

Oak Tree Apartments Pty Ltd.

RVG Residential Pty Ltd.

RVG Residential Developments Pty Ltd.

RVG Saleco Pty Ltd.

RVG Sydney Holdings Ltd.

RVG Sydney Pty Ltd.

RVG Pittwater Palms Pty Ltd.

The Manors of Mosman Pty Ltd.

M.M.M. Developments Pty Ltd.

Midland Court Mortgage Finance (NSW) Pty Ltd.

See company connections