Ghosn, who plans to renew his contract as Renault (>> RENAULT) CEO for a further three years at April's annual shareholder meeting, had previously indicated that the next boss of 43.4 percent-owned Nissan (>> Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.) should be Japanese.

The 59-year-old CEO, whose contract at Nissan was renewed for two years in 2013, is midway through a six-year recovery plan at Renault that includes sharing more parts and new vehicle architectures with its larger Japanese affiliate.

His eventual replacement will be up to the companies' boards, Ghosn was quoted as saying, adding that he would propose the appointment of separate CEOs.

"I would not recommend to anyone else that they do the job I've been doing," Ghosn said. "Being in charge of two companies and having to run between two countries is extremely taxing on people."

The published interview gave no indication whether Ghosn saw a future non-executive role for himself following the CEO succession.

(Reporting by Laurence Frost; Editing by Mark Potter)

Stocks treated in this article : RENAULT, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.