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Relation chart of related listed companies: Polaris Renewable Energy Inc.

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Relationship chart for related private companies: Polaris Renewable Energy Inc.

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Related private companies: Polaris Renewable Energy Inc.

Waverley Resources Ltd.

Precious Metals

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Listed companies

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Activities of related companies

Precious Metals3
Financial Conglomerates3
Other Metals/Minerals2
Wholesale Distributors1
Miscellaneous Commercial Services1
Packaged Software1
Chemicals: Specialty1

Countries of related companies

United States2
Logo Polaris Renewable Energy Inc.
Polaris Renewable Energy Inc. is engaged in the acquisition, development and operation of renewable energy projects in Latin America. It operates 82 megawatts (MW) geothermal facility in Nicaragua, three run-of-river hydroelectric facilities in Peru, with a combined capacity of approximately 33 MW, a 25 MW solar plant facility in Dominican Republic, a six MW run-of-river hydroelectric facility in Ecuador and a 10 MW solar plant in Panama. Through its subsidiary, Emerald Solar Energy SRL, it operates the Canoa I Solar Park located in the Barahona Province, Dominican Republic. Its San Jacinto-Tizate Geothermal plant is located in northwestern Nicaragua, in the sire of San Jacinto, municipality of Telica, 20 kilometers from the city of Leon. Its Vista Hermosa Solar Parks are located in the village of Vista Hermosa, Corregimiento de Pueblos Unidos, Aguadulce district, Cocle Province. Through its subsidiary Generacion Andina SAC, it owns 8 de Agosto, a Run of River hydroelectric operation.
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