James Gorman

James Gorman


Net worth: 80 M $ as of 2025-01-30

66 year
Consumer Services
Commercial Services

Active connections

NameGenderAgeLinked companiesCollaboration
Michael Corbat M 64
12 years
John Mack M 80
Ajaypal Banga M 66
Miles White M 70
Steven Kandarian M 73
13 years
Phebe Novakovic F 67
David Abney M 69
Timothy D. Adams M -
12 years
Jamie Dimon M 68
8 years
Thomas Joyce M 64
Beth Mooney F 70
John Watson M 68
Marshall Larsen M 76
David Rudd M -
Craig Arnold M 65
Marcus Wallenberg M 69
William Green M 71
Marijn Dekkers M 66
Patricia Woertz F 71
David Rubenstein M 75
Kewsong Lee M 59
Egon Durban M 51
Alan Schnitzer M 59
Sidney Taurel M 76
Thomas Williams M 66
David Ricks M 57
Albert Bourla M 63
Marlene Colucci-Renna F 62
12 years
Lisa Wardell F 56
Darren Woods M 60
Bhavesh Vaghjibhai Patel M 58
Kristen L. Silverberg F -
3 years
Sergio Ermotti M 64
Alex Gorsky M 64
Lance Fritz M 62
Mary Barra F 62
Jerry del Missier M 63
Ryan Lance M 62
Debra Cafaro F 67
Oswald J. Grübel M 81
Hakki Ersin Özince M 72
Bruce Broussard M 62
John Hammergren M 66
Thomas Usher M 82
Lee Styslinger M 64
Inge Thulin M 70
Gregory Boyce M 70
Brian Moynihan M 65
Gail Boudreaux F 64
2 years
Denise Ramos F 68
John Donahoe M 64
6 years
Gregory Brown M 64
Christopher Swift M 64
Theodore Solso M 77
Michael Wirth M 64
7 years
Stephen Schwarzman M 78
Kristin Peck F 53
Marillyn Hewson F 71
Joshua Bolten M 71
8 years
Kenneth Chenault M 73
William Harrison M 81
Frederick Smith M 81
Alan Lafley M 77
Antonio M. Perez M 79
James J. Mulva M 78
David Novak M 72
John Lechleiter M 71
George A. L. David M 81
Crandall Close Bowles F 77
Peter Hancock M 66
Clarence Cazalot M 74
Henry McKinnell M 82
Peter Grauer M 80
Norman Sorensen Valdez M 79
Amr Yousef Hassan El-Ganainy M -
Pietro Carlo Padoan M 75
Wee Beng Gan M 76
Adnan Bali M 63
James Edward Staley M 68
Jordi Gual Sole M 68
Chanda Deepak Kochhar F 63
Ian Narev M 57
Ibrahim Shukri Dabdoub M 86
Olaug Johanne Svarva F 67
Hassan Abdalla M 65
Hashim Al-Shawa M 49
Kamath Kundapur Vaman M 77
Michael Bradfield M -
Francisco Pérez González M -
Terry K. Fryett M -
Michel Liès M 71
Francisco González Rodríguez M 81
25 years
Richard Earl Waugh M 77
Joaquin J. Ribeiro M 69
See more

Connections Chart

Multi-company connection

Past Relations

NameGenderAgeLinked companiesCollaboration
Mark Parker M 69 9 years
Scott M. Sipprelle M 62 4 years
Adrian Redlich M 52
5 years
Sherrese Soares F 48 10 years
James Owens M 78 7 years
Stephen Luczo M 68 5 years


CountryConnections% of total
United States 100100%

Age of Connections





Members of the board


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