Share class: Whitecap Resources Inc.

VoteQuantityFree-FloatCompany-owned sharesTotal Float
Stock A1587,476,492582,217,207 ( 99.1 %) 0 99.1 %

Major shareholders: Whitecap Resources Inc.

3,543,345 0.6031 % 23 M $
1,161,483 0.1977 % 8 M $
Middlefield Capital Corp.
0.1538 %
903,600 0.1538 % 6 M $
Thanh Kang
0.1338 %
785,947 0.1338 % 5 M $
679,919 0.1157 % 4 M $
Nordea Investment Management AB
0.109 %
640,600 0.109 % 4 M $
562,926 0.0958 % 4 M $
SEI Investments Canada Co.
0.0935 %
549,500 0.0935 % 4 M $
NCM Asset Management Ltd.
0.0893 %
524,550 0.0893 % 3 M $
SLGI Asset Management, Inc.
0.0779 %
457,791 0.0779 % 3 M $
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Breakdown by shareholder type


Based on 1000 largest holdings

Geographical origin of shareholders

Individuals 1.35%
Canada 0.54%
Sweden 0.11%
Germany 0.05%
Ireland 0.05%
United States 0.04%
Finland 0.03%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Logo Whitecap Resources Inc.
Whitecap Resources Inc. is an oil-weighted growth company. The Company is engaged in the business of acquiring, developing and holding interests in petroleum and natural gas properties and assets. Its core areas include the West Division and East Division. Its West Division is comprised of three regions: Smoky, Kaybob and Peace River Arch (PRA). The properties in its Smoky region include Kakwa and Resthaven, all located in Northwest Alberta. The primary reservoir being developed is the Montney resource play, mainly comprised of condensate-rich natural gas. Kaybob is located in the Fox Creek region of Northwest Alberta. The primary reservoir being developed is the Duvernay resource play, mainly comprised of condensate-rich natural gas. The PRA is its original asset area. Its East Division is comprised of four regions: Central AB, West Sask, East Sask and Weyburn. Its Central Alberta region represents the bulk of its Cardium and liquids-rich Mannville assets.
More about the company