Spectral Medical Inc. provided an update on the Company?s Tigris trial, a Phase 3 follow-on study evaluating the use of Polymyxin B Hemoperfusion in a randomized controlled trial of adults treated for endotoxemia and septic shock. Enrollment: Robust enrollment activity continues throughout 2024: 101 patients enrolled to-date First Quarter 2024 record enrollment with 17 patients enrolled in the quarter 20 patients enrolled in 2024 so far ? represents the most robust enrollment rates since the start of the Tigris study With 49 patients to full enrollment, the Company is entering the final push to fully enroll and finish the Tigris trial To support sustained enrollment, Spectral hosted an in-person Investigator Meeting March 12th & 13th in conjunction with the 29thInternational Conference on Advances in Critical Care Nephrology in San Diego In-person meeting well attended with multiple stakeholders present, including: principal investigators and clinical research coordinators from existing and new trial sites; CRO, Beaufort; and representatives from the Company?s strategic partner Baxter Trial Sites: Currently 22 Tigris trial sites, with continued progress opening an additional two new, high quality clinical sites Spectral clinical team focused on trial site management activities to ensure that Tigris sites have the support and resources to enroll patients as efficiently as possible.