Share ownership Yongtaiyun Chemical Logistics Co.,Ltd




Marine Freight & Logistics

End-of-day quote Shenzhen S.E. 2024-09-20 5-day change 1st Jan Change
17.42 CNY +2.65% Intraday chart for Yongtaiyun Chemical Logistics Co.,Ltd +2.35% -45.25%

Share class: Yongtaiyun Chemical Logistics Co.,Ltd

VoteQuantityFree-FloatCompany-owned sharesTotal Float
Stock A1103,864,60937,418,804 ( 36.03 %) 0 36.03 %

Major shareholders: Yongtaiyun Chemical Logistics Co.,Ltd

Shenzhen Zonghui Investment Management Co., Ltd.
10.60 %
5,813,953 10.60 % 14 M ¥
Ningbo Qiantai Venture Capital Partnership LP
10.60 %
5,813,953 10.60 % 14 M ¥
Caitong Asset Co., Ltd.
9.537 %
5,232,558 9.537 % 13 M ¥
Ningbo Jinghua Venture Capital Partnership LP
8.478 %
4,651,163 8.478 % 12 M ¥
Bank of Communications Schroder Fund Management Co., Ltd.
7.070 %
3,879,154 7.070 % 10 M ¥
Zhejiang Longsheng Group Co., Ltd.
4.536 %
2,488,646 4.536 % 6 M ¥
1,659,097 3.024 % 4 M ¥
Zhejiang Runtu Investment Management Co. Ltd.
3.024 %
1,659,097 3.024 % 4 M ¥
China Post & Capital Fund Management Co., Ltd.
1.713 %
939,900 1.713 % 2 M ¥
Zheyin Hongshen Hangzhou Capital Management Co. Ltd.
1.512 %
829,548 1.512 % 2 M ¥
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Breakdown by shareholder type

Zhejiang Longsheng Group Co., Ltd.4.54%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Geographical origin of shareholders

China 59.81%
Individuals 3.02%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Logo Yongtaiyun Chemical Logistics Co.,Ltd
Yongtaiyun Chemical Logistics Co Ltd is a China-based company mainly engaged in the provision of cross-border chemical logistics supply chain services. The Company operates primarily through four segments. The Cross-border Chemical Logistics Supply Chain Service segment is mainly engaged in international shipping business. The Warehousing and Stockpiling segment is mainly engaged in the loading and unloading, tally, stockpiling, bonding and inspection of chemicals. The Road Transportation segment is mainly engaged in the fleet transportation business of hazardous chemicals and the port dredging transportation business of dangerous goods containers. The Others segment is mainly engaged in the parking lot business, the terminal loading and unloading business and logistics special equipment sales. The Company mainly conducts its businesses in domestic and overseas markets.
More about the company