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Related listed companies: WiSA Technologies, Inc.

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Logo WiSA Technologies, Inc.
WiSA Technologies, Inc. is a provider of wireless sound technology for intelligent devices and next generation home entertainment systems through the sale of module components to audio companies as well as audio products to resellers and consumers. The Company’s wireless technology, WiSA E, is software-based and works with standard Wi-Fi chips. Its technology is designed for easy implementation for the manufacturing brand to design with; flexibility to accommodate various price points and business models and maintaining wireless performance for the consumer. It has designed wireless modules, which provide high performance wireless audio for its customers to integrate into their products, such as a speaker, television, soundbars, set-top-boxes, and HDMI dongles. These modules can be designed using its custom semiconductors with its IP built in, as well as a Wi-Fi radio for communications or with its WiSA E software loaded onto a third-party Internet of things (IoT) Wi-Fi chip.
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