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Relation chart of related listed companies: Western Forest Products Inc.

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Relationship chart for related private companies: Western Forest Products Inc.

Active Relations

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Related private companies: Western Forest Products Inc.

Institute of Corporate Directors

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Brookfield Technology Partners

Investment Managers

Coast Forest Products Association

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

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Listed companies

Private companies

Activities of related companies

Miscellaneous Commercial Services4
Investment Managers3
Forest Products1
Information Technology Services1
Major Banks1
Industrial Machinery1
Other Metals/Minerals1
Engineering & Construction1
Industrial Specialties1

Countries of related companies

United States3
Logo Western Forest Products Inc.
Western Forest Products Inc. is a Canada-based integrated forest products company building a margin-focused log and lumber business to compete in global softwood markets. It manufactures wood products and engages in sustainable forest management and practices. It has a lumber capacity of 780 million board feet from six sawmills, as well as operates four remanufacturing facilities and two glulam manufacturing facilities. The Company's product categories include outdoor living, exterior appearance, LIFESTYLE CEDAR, interior living, structural, industrial and WFP engineered products. Its outdoor living products include decking, timbers and fencing products. Its LIFESTYLE CEDAR products include LIFESTYLE CEDAR Decking and LIFESTYLE CEDAR Fencing. Its WFP Engineered Products include curved and arched glulams, straight glulams, and fabricated trusses. It manufactures a range of glued laminated products in multiple species, including Douglas fir, southern yellow pine and yellow cedar.
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