Listed companies


Private companies



Relation chart of related listed companies: Veeva Systems Inc.

Active Relations

Past Relations

Relationship chart for related private companies: Veeva Systems Inc.

Active Relations

Past Relations

Related private companies: Veeva Systems Inc.

Zinc Ahead Ltd.

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Emergence Equity Management, Inc.

Investment Managers

Veeva Systems U.K. Ltd.

Packaged Software

Mineral Newco Ltd.

Information Technology Services

Zinc Ahead Holdings Ltd.

Information Technology Services

Veeva U.K. Holdings Ltd.

Packaged Software

Active Relations

Past Relations

Connection statistics



Listed companies

Private companies

Activities of related companies

Packaged Software9
Miscellaneous Commercial Services3
Pharmaceuticals: Major3
Medical Specialties3
Information Technology Services2
Computer Peripherals2
Investment Managers1
Investment Banks/Brokers1

Countries of related companies

United States18
United Kingdom7
Logo Veeva Systems Inc.
Veeva Systems Inc. is a provider of cloud solutions for the global life sciences industry. The Company offers span cloud software, data, and business consulting and is designed to meet the needs of its customers and their strategic business functions from research and development (R&D) through commercialization. The Company’s three product categories: Veeva Development Cloud, Veeva Commercial Cloud, and Veeva Data Cloud. Veeva Development Cloud includes application suites for the clinical, regulatory, and safety functions of life sciences companies, all built on its Veeva Vault platform. Veeva Vault Clinical advances clinical trial execution by providing a complete and connected technology ecosystem. Veeva Commercial Cloud is a product category comprised of software and analytics solutions. Its software offerings include Veeva CRM, Veeva Vault PromoMats, Veeva Vault Medical, and Veeva Crossix. Its data offerings include Veeva OpenData, Veeva Link, and Veeva Compass.
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