Share class: Trilogy Metals Inc.

VoteQuantityFree-FloatCompany-owned sharesTotal Float
Stock A1160,552,808130,975,572 ( 81.58 %) 0 81.58 %

Major shareholders: Trilogy Metals Inc.

The Electrum Group LLC
19.68 %
31,604,741 19.68 % 17 M $
South32 Ltd.
11.58 %
18,595,311 11.58 % 10 M $
Paulson & Co., Inc.
8.924 %
14,326,996 8.924 % 8 M $
Paulson & Co., Inc.
8.924 %
14,326,996 8.924 % 8 M $
5,667,903 3.530 % 3 M $
TSP Capital Management Group LLC
3.113 %
4,997,500 3.113 % 3 M $
Konwave AG
2.629 %
4,221,076 2.629 % 2 M $
Old West Investment Management LLC
1.930 %
3,098,931 1.930 % 2 M $
2,566,186 1.598 % 1 M $
Wexford Capital LP
1.498 %
2,404,699 1.498 % 1 M $
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Breakdown by shareholder type

South32 Ltd.11.58%
Manulife Financial Corp.0.40%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Geographical origin of shareholders

United States 46.80%
Australia 11.58%
Individuals 7.47%
Switzerland 2.63%
Canada 1.78%
Sweden 0.12%
Spain 0.05%
Ireland 0.01%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Logo Trilogy Metals Inc.
Trilogy Metals Inc. is a Canada-based metal exploration and development company that holds a 50% interest in Ambler Metals LLC, which has a 100% interest in the Upper Kobuk Mineral Projects (UKMP) in Northwestern Alaska. It focuses on UKMP, including the Arctic and Bornite Projects. The UKMP is located within the Ambler Mining District. It hosts polymetallic volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits that contain copper, zinc, lead, gold and silver, and carbonate replacement deposits which have been found to host high-grade copper and cobalt mineralization. The Arctic deposit is a polymetallic volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit located approximately 470 kilometers northwest of the City of Fairbanks, Alaska. The Bornite deposit (Bornite) is a carbonate hosted copper-cobalt deposit located near Kobuk, Alaska, and is approximately 25 kilometers southwest of the Company’s Arctic Project. It also conducts early-stage exploration through a wholly owned subsidiary, 995 Exploration Inc.
More about the company