Toho : Conclusion of Business Alliance with PHARUMO, Inc(254 KB)
August 31, 2024
August 1, 2024
To whom it may concern:
Company Name:
Hiromi Edahiro, Representative Director,
(Prime Market of Tokyo Stock Exchange
Securities Code: 8129)
Makoto Kawamura, Corporate Officer and
General Manager, Corporate Strategy Division
(TEL: 81-3-6838-2803)
Conclusion of Business Alliance with PHARUMO, Inc
TOHO HOLDINGS CO., LTD. (Headquarters: Tokyo; Representative Director, CEO and CFO: Hiromi Edahiro; hereinafter "TOHO HOLDINGS") announces that it has agreed to enter into a business alliance with PHARUMO, Inc (Headquarters: Tokyo; President and Representative Director: Kaei Hiroi; hereinafter "PHARUMO"), as described below.
1. Reason for business alliance
TOHO HOLDINGS is a corporate group active in the medical, nursing and healthcare fields, engaged in pharmaceutical wholesaling, dispensing pharmacy, manufacturing and sales of pharmaceuticals, and development and provision of customer support systems under the corporate slogan "Total Commitment to Good Health". TOHO HOLDINGS also proactively promotes initiatives for regional medical collaboration, nursing and home care.
PHARUMO is developing ICT businesses for pharmacies, including the pharmaceutical information hub system, PHARUMO Cloud*1, with the aim of building a medical infrastructure that supports the proactive approach of dispensing pharmacies across the country to various challenges regional medical care is facing.
In its Medium-term Management Plan 2023-2025 "Create the Next Generation", TOHO HOLDINGS is determined to push ahead with concrete measures such as "Regional Healthcare Design" and "Evolution of customer support business" by actively promoting alliances and DX.
Through this business alliance, we will link PHARUMO's Every Series*2 with TOHO HOLDINGS' inventory management system and other customer support systems to strengthen and expand the services of both companies and jointly develop new products that contribute to the regional medical DX. Through these efforts, we aim to build a regional pharmaceutical information infrastructure, which will be one of the building blocks of regional healthcare design, and work together to solve various challenges in the overall healthcare domain.
Note 1. PHARUMO Cloud: A platform that supports seamless link between dispensing pharmacies and cloud services of various companies through cooperation with more than 20 services at this time, such as OEM of the electronic prescription record service and the Every Series, as well as the provision of APIs for various functions.
Note 2. PHARUMO Every Series: A total solution for the inventory operation DX for dispensing pharmacies, consisting of a community medical cooperation system, inventory management system, and dispensing audit system, with the aim of optimizing regional medical resources.
2. Overview of PHARUMO
(1) Company name:
(2) Location:
Tokyo Opera City Tower 52F, 3-20-2Nishi-Shinjuku,Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Representative: Kaei Hiroi, President and Representative Director
May, 2012
Business content:
Pharmacy ICT business, human resources business, regional medical cooperation
100 million yen
3.Forward looking outlook
We expect that this transaction will have only a negligible impact on consolidated earnings of TOHO HOLDINGS. The Company will disclose any impact promptly if it becomes necessary to do so in the future.
Note: This document has been translated from the Japanese original for reference purposes only.
In the event of any discrepancy between this translated document and the Japanese original, the original shall prevail.
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Original Document
Toho Holdings Co. Ltd. published this content on
01 August 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by
Public, unedited and unaltered, on
06 August 2024 04:10:03 UTC.
Toho Holdings Co Ltd is a Japan-based company mainly engaged in the pharmaceutical wholesale business. The Company operates through five business segments. The Pharmaceutical Wholesale segment purchases pharmaceuticals and medical-related products from pharmaceutical manufacturers and sells them to hospitals, clinics and dispensing pharmacies. It is also engaged in the provision of data processing system and rental of real estate. The Dispensing Pharmacy segment is engaged in the management of insurance dispensing pharmacies and dispensing pharmacies. The Pharmaceutical Manufacture and Sale segment is engaged in the manufacture and sale of generic drugs and contract manufacturing of injectable drugs. The Clinical Trial Facility Support segment is engaged in the provision of support for clinical trial facilities. The Information Equipment Sales segment is engaged in the planning and sale of information processing equipment.