Tocvan Ventures Corp. announced new surface exploration results from its Gran Pilar Gold Silver Project in mine-friendly Sonora, Mexico. A total of 188 rock samples and 9 infill soil samples were analyzed from the Southern Block of the 100% controlled Expansion Area.

Four new target areas have been identified spanning an area 1.8-kilometers long and 1.0- kilometer wide. An additional area 2.1-kilometers by 1.4-kilometers remains unsampled to the east. Five kilometers to the north in an area referred to as the North Alteration Zone, early geochemical sampling, alteration mapping and satellite data interpretation suggests a separate large scale (3.2-kilometers long by 1.5-kilometers wide) epithermal target exists.

The Company plans to continue the steady advancement of these areas as they present significant exploration targets. Core drilling continues at Pilar's Main Zone where four drillholes have been completed so far totaling over 408-meters. As drilling continues logging and sample preparation is underway to evaluate the core results for incorporation into a resource model.

The aim of the core program is to build out a more robust geological model across the area. Each hole completed has successfully intersected lithologies and structures (vein zones, breccia zones and/or large fault gouges) known to host and control gold - silver mineralization at Pilar that will aid in modelling. The Company cautions these are visual indications, assay results are pending to verify the grade of mineralization.

RC drilling will recommence shortly on the expansion area to continue to test the northern extension of mineralization. Pilar Drill Highlights: 2024 RC Drilling Highlights include (all lengths are drilled thicknesses): 42.7m @ 1.0 g/t Au, including 3.1m @ 10.9 g/t Au, 56.4m @ 1.0 g/t Au, including 3.1m @ 14.7 g/t Au, 16.8m @ 0.8 g/t Au and 19 g/t Ag. 2022 Phase III Diamond Drilling Highlights include (all lengths are drilled thicknesses): 116.9m @ 1.2 g/t Au, including 10.2m @ 12 g/t Au and 23 g/t Ag, 108.9m @ 0.8 g/t Au, including 9.4m @ 7.6 g/t Au and 5 g/t Ag, 63.4m @ 0.6 g/t Au and 11 g/t Ag, including 29.9m @ 0.9 g/t Au and 18 g/t Ag.

2021 Phase II RC Drilling Highlights include (all lengths are drilled thicknesses): 39.7m @ 1.0 g/t Au, including 1.5m @ 14.6 g/t Au, 47.7m @ 0.7 g/t Au including 3m @ 5.6 g/t Au and 22 g/t Ag, 29m @ 0.7 g/t Au, 35.1m @ 0.7 g/t Au. 2020 Phase I RC Drilling Highlights include (all lengths are drilled thicknesses): 94.6m @ 1.6 g/t Au, including 9.2m @ 10.8 g/t Au and 38 g/t Ag; 41.2m @ 1.1 g/t Au, including 3.1m @ 6.0 g/t Au and 12 g/t Ag; 24.4m @ 2.5 g/t Au and 73 g/t Ag, including 1.5m @ 33.4 g/t Au and 1,090 g/t Ag. 15,000m of Historic Core & RC drilling.

Highlights include: 61.0m @ 0.8 g/t Au, 21.0m @ 38.3 g/t Au and 38 g/t Ag, 13.0m @ 9.6 g/t Au, 9.0m @ 10.2 g/t Au and 46 g/t Ag. Pilar Bulk Sample Summary: 62% Recovery of Gold Achieved Over 46-day Leaching Period. Head Grade Calculated at 1.9 g/t Au and 7 g/t Ag; Extracted Grade Calculated at 1.2 g/t Au and 3 g/t Ag.

Bulk Sample Only Included Coarse Fraction of Material (+3/4" to +1/8"). Fine Fraction (-1/8") Indicates Rapid Recovery with Agitated Leach- Agitated Bottle Roll Test Returned Rapid and High Recovery Results: 80% Recovery of Gold and 94% Recovery of Silver after Rapid 24-hour Retention Time. Additional Metallurgical Studies: Gravity Recovery with Agitated Leach Results of Five Composite Samples Returned: 95 to 99% Recovery of Gold, 73 to 97% Recovery of Silver, Includes the Recovery of 99% Au and 73% Ag from Drill Core Composite at 120-meter depth.

Based on management's strong belief in the project's potential, the Company is outlining a permitting and operations strategy for a pilot facility at Pilar. The facility would underpin a robust test mine scenario with aims to process up to 50,000 tonnes of material. Timelines and budget are being prepared with the aim of moving forward with the development early in 2025.

With gold prices hitting all-time highs, the Company believes the onsite test mine will provide key economic parameters and showcase the mineral potential of the area. In 2023, the Company completed an offsite bulk sample that produced important data showcasing the potential to recover both gold and silver through a variety of methods including heap leach, gravity and agitated leach.