Investment company Svolder continues to struggle under the leadership of CEO Tomas Risbecker. After another quarter of declining assets, he is now hinting at a turnaround.

"I look forward with confidence to seeing the results of the changes we are making now," he says in an interview with Dagens Industri.

During the last quarter, which covers the period September through November, Svolder's net asset value fell by 8 percent. This was worse than Carnegie's small cap index, which fell by 5 percent.

The weak performance has contributed to Svolder's shares now trading at a discount for the first time in over two years. The discount amounts to about 2 percent, which means that the stock market is paying less for Svolder's shares than the company's holdings are actually worth, writes Dagens Industri.

"How the market chooses to value is up to the market. We can only focus on creating net asset value growth over time and that is where my focus lies."