Listed companies


Private companies



Relation chart of related listed companies: SM Prime Holdings, Inc.

Active Relations

Past Relations

Relationship chart for related private companies: SM Prime Holdings, Inc.

Active Relations

Past Relations

Related private companies: SM Prime Holdings, Inc.

Pico de Loro Beach & Country Club, Inc.

Highlands Prime, Inc.

Real Estate Development

SM Development Corp.

Real Estate Development

National University, Inc. (Philippines)

Other Consumer Services

Belleshares Holdings, Inc.

Real Estate Development

Premium Leisure Corp.


Makati Business Club

2GO Group, Inc.

Marine Shipping

Philippine Dealing System Holdings Corp.

Investment Banks/Brokers

Bdo Life Assurance Co., Inc.

Life/Health Insurance

OCLP Holdings Inc.

Real Estate Development

Ortigas Land Corp.


Multi Realty Development Corp.

Capitol Commons Corp.

Sybase Equity Investment Corp.

Financial Conglomerates

SM Synergy Properties Holdings Corp.

Real Estate Development

Primebridge Holdings, Inc.

Nagtahan Property Holdings, Inc.

BDO Private Bank, Inc.

Regional Banks

Active Relations

Past Relations

Connection statistics



Listed companies

Private companies

Activities of related companies

Real Estate Development10
Engineering & Construction4
Regional Banks2
Major Telecommunications2
Precious Metals2
Major Banks2
Other Consumer Services2
Department Stores2
Electronics Distributors1
Building Products1

Countries of related companies

Logo SM Prime Holdings, Inc.
SM Prime Holdings, Inc. is a Philippines-based integrated property developer, which is engaged in the development of malls, residences, offices, hotels and convention centers. The Company has approximately 85 malls in Philippines and eight shopping malls in China, totaling 10.8 million square meters of Gross Floor Area (GFA). In the Philippines, the Company has a total of approximately 20,615 tenants and 2,183 tenants in China. The Mall segment develops, conducts, operates and maintains the business of modern commercial shopping centers and all businesses related thereto. Residential and commercial segments are involved in the development and transformation of residential, commercial, entertainment and tourism districts through sustained capital investments in buildings and infrastructure. The Hotels and Convention Centers segment is engaged in and carries on the business of hotel and convention centers and operates and maintains all services and facilities incident thereto.
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