Ski resort company Skistar reports lower than expected sales in the first quarter. Operating profit was in line with expectations.

Sales fell 3.6 percent to SEK 212 million (220). This compares to the Bloomberg analyst consensus of 231.

Operating profit was SEK -482 million (-464), expected operating profit was -477.

The result after tax was SEK -413 million (-384), and per share SEK -5.26 (-4.89).

Cash flow from operating activities amounted to SEK 283 million (221).

"The booking situation, measured in the number of booked object nights through Skistar's accommodation brokerage, is 3 percent lower than last year. The slightly weaker booking situation is explained by the absence of the pre-season in November, compared with last year's record-breaking premiere, as well as slightly delayed bookings for Easter, which falls late in the calendar this year," says CEO Stefan Sjöstrand.

Skistar, SEK millionQ1-2024/2025 ConsensusChange against consensusQ1-2023/2024 Change from consensus
Net turnover 212 231 -8,2% 220 -3,6%
Operating result-482 -477 -464
Net result-413 -384
Earnings per share, SEK-5,26 -4,89
Cash flow from operating activities 283 221 28,1%
Consensus data from Bloomberg