Executive Committee: Sheng Siong Group Ltd

Positions heldSince
Hock Chee Lim

Hock Chee Lim

62 year

Chief Executive Officer 2010-11-09
Founder 1984-12-31
Rui Wen Lin

Rui Wen Lin

42 year

Corporate Secretary -
Chee Kit Woo

Chee Kit Woo

43 year

Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 2017-04-30
Chee Haw Ho

Chee Haw Ho

Chief Operating Officer -
Kee Min Chow

Kee Min Chow

64 year

Sales & Marketing 2021-06-30
Hong Bo Fan

Hong Bo Fan

49 year

Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 2022-08-31

Composition of the Board of Directors: Sheng Siong Group Ltd

Hock Eng Lim

Hock Eng Lim

64 year

Chairman 2010-11-09
Teck Kwong Chee

Teck Kwong Chee

71 year

Audit Committee 2021-11-30
Compensation Committee 2021-07-28
Nominating Committee Chair 2021-12-30
Nominating Committee 2021-11-30
Compensation Committee Chair 2021-11-30
Poh Hong Tan

Poh Hong Tan

66 year

Audit Committee 2021-05-18
Nominating Committee 2020-09-30
Compensation Committee Chair 2020-09-30
Compensation Committee 2021-05-18
Nominating Committee Chair 2021-05-18
Huay Lim Tan

Huay Lim Tan

68 year

Compensation Committee 2021-12-30
Audit Committee Chair 2022-12-31
Governance Committee 2021-03-25
Nominating Committee 2021-12-30
Chuan Aun Ko

Chuan Aun Ko

67 year

Audit Committee 2024-10-29
Compensation Committee 2021-12-30
Nominating Committee 2024-10-29
Compensation Committee Chair 2024-10-29
Li Hui Cheng

Li Hui Cheng

49 year

Audit Committee 2021-12-30
Compensation Committee 2021-12-30
Nominating Committee 2021-12-30
Rui Wen Lin

Rui Wen Lin

42 year

Director/Board Member 2016-04-26
Hock Leng Lim

Hock Leng Lim

59 year

Director/Board Member 2010-11-09
Hock Chee Lim

Hock Chee Lim

62 year

Director/Board Member 2010-11-09

Former Officers and Directors: Sheng Siong Group Ltd

Positions held
Ling San Tan
Ling San Tan
Director/Board Member 2011-06-21 2023-04-27
Oi Keng Chua
Oi Keng Chua
Director of Finance/CFO 2021-03-31 2023-02-27
Yeow Tin Goh
Yeow Tin Goh
Director/Board Member 2011-06-21 2021-12-30
Independent Dir/Board Member 2011-06-21 2021-12-30
Voon Hoo Jong
Voon Hoo Jong
Director/Board Member 2011-06-21 2021-12-30
Independent Dir/Board Member 2011-06-21 2021-12-30
Fook Wah Lee
Fook Wah Lee
Director/Board Member 2011-06-21 2021-12-30
Independent Dir/Board Member 2011-06-21 2021-12-30
Bee Loo Tan
Bee Loo Tan
Corporate Officer/Principal 2010-11-09 2021-12-30
Teck Leng Lee
Teck Leng Lee
Director/Board Member 2011-06-21 2021-06-29
Soong Kit Wong
Soong Kit Wong
Director of Finance/CFO 2010-11-09 2021-06-29
Lay Chin Lee
Lay Chin Lee
Corporate Officer/Principal 2010-11-09 2021-06-29
Wei Shyan Tan
Wei Shyan Tan
Corporate Secretary 2018-06-20 -
Yan Ru Yang
Yan Ru Yang
Corporate Secretary 2017-02-05 2018-06-11
Chinn Ling Yee
Chinn Ling Yee
Corporate Secretary - 2017-02-05
Han Chin Pow
Han Chin Pow
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 2014-04-30 -
Chee Wee Lim
Chee Wee Lim
Director of Finance/CFO 2010-11-09 2014-01-30
Chong Hwee Lim
Chong Hwee Lim
Corporate Secretary - 2012-07-01
Shan Shan Loo
Shan Shan Loo
Corporate Secretary 2012-07-01 -
Ah Yi Law
Ah Yi Law
Corporate Officer/Principal 2010-11-09 -
Ching Fern Tan
Ching Fern Tan
Corporate Officer/Principal 2010-11-09 -
Siok Tin Tan
Siok Tin Tan
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 2010-11-09 -
Yiam Choon Sng
Yiam Choon Sng
Corporate Officer/Principal 2010-11-09 -
Sey Liy Tan
Sey Liy Tan
Corporate Secretary - -

Age distribution of managers

Parity Men Women

Male 12
Female 4

Of which Executive Committee

Male 5
Female 1

Of which Directors

Male 6
Female 3


1 year Revenue revision
4 months Revenue revision
1 months Revenue revision
1 year EPS revision
4 months EPS revision


ESG: Ethical controversies
ESG: Human rights controversies
ESG: Tax subsidies controversies
Sharia compliant
Logo Sheng Siong Group Ltd
Sheng Siong Group Ltd. is an investment holding company that operates supermarket chain in Singapore. The Company operates approximately 70 outlets across Singapore. The outlets provide its customers with both wet and dry shopping options, including a wide assortment of live, fresh, and chilled produce, such as seafood, meat, and vegetables. In addition, the Company provides processed, packaged and/or preserved food products as well as general merchandise such as toiletries and essential household products. It offers approximately 1,600 products under its over 23 house brands, ranging from food products to paper goods. The Company's online grocery shopping platform is Sheng Siong Online (SSOnline). Its subsidiaries include Sheng Siong Supermarket Pte Ltd, C M M Marketing Management Pte Ltd, Sheng Siong Supermarket Sdn. Bhd., and Sheng Siong (China) Supermarket Co., Ltd.
More about the company