BRÜSSEL (dpa-AFX) - From the perspective of the WindEurope association, slow and cumbersome approval procedures are still a key obstacle to the expansion of wind energy across Europe. Although there are binding new EU approval regulations, many countries have not yet implemented these into national law, the European association criticizes in a statement.
High praise for Germany
The association also criticizes the fact that only a few countries have proven the effectiveness of the new rules by applying them. Germany has been praised in particular: a national record has been set with approvals for almost 15 gigawatts of onshore wind energy. "Governments need to follow the German example if they are serious about energy security and industrial competitiveness."
According to WindEurope, 20 percent of Europe's total electricity consumption currently comes from wind power, while the figure for the EU as a whole is 19 percent. The industry association's initial estimates indicate that around 13 gigawatts were newly built across the EU last year. However, 30 gigawatts per year are needed to achieve the energy targets of the European Union by 2030, it was said.
By 2030, renewable energies are to account for 42.5 percent of total energy consumption in the EU. To achieve this goal, wind power, among other things, must be significantly expanded.
Even more reasons for sluggish expansion
According to the association, access to the power grid is the biggest obstacle to the use of wind energy. Furthermore, the electrification of the economy in Europe is not progressing fast enough, which is curbing demand. "Electrification is faltering, especially in the areas of mobility, heating and industry." According to the association, electricity accounts for 23 percent of total energy consumption in the EU. This share must increase to 61 percent by 2050.