Listed companies


Private companies



Relation chart of related listed companies: Ravelin Properties REIT

Active Relations

Past Relations

Relationship chart for related private companies: Ravelin Properties REIT

Active Relations

Past Relations

Related private companies: Ravelin Properties REIT

The Law Society of Upper Canada

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Slate U.S. Opportunity (No. 3) Realty Trust

Investment Trusts/Mutual Funds

Slate Properties, Inc.

Real Estate Development

Slate European Real Estate LP II

Real Estate Development

Slate European Real Estate LP I

Investment Managers

Slate Asset Management LP

Slate Asset Managementcanada LP

Institute of Corporate Directors

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Brookfield Real Estate Income Trust, Inc.

Real Estate Investment Trusts

Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Fiera Infrastructure, Inc.

Investment Managers

Active Relations

Past Relations

Connection statistics



Listed companies

Private companies

Activities of related companies

Real Estate Investment Trusts7
Miscellaneous Commercial Services3
Investment Managers3
Financial Conglomerates3
Real Estate Development2
Investment Trusts/Mutual Funds1
Food Retail1
Hospital/Nursing Management1
Wholesale Distributors1

Countries of related companies

United States1
Logo Ravelin Properties REIT
Ravelin Properties REIT, formerly Slate Office REIT (the REIT), is a Canada-based global owner and operator of workplace real estate. The REIT is an unincorporated, open-ended real estate investment trust. The REIT is an owner and operator of office real estate. The REIT owns interests in and operates a portfolio of real estate assets in North America and Europe. The REIT's portfolio is primarily comprised of government and credit tenants. The REIT's portfolio consists of approximately 50 properties located in Canada, the United States and Ireland. The REIT's Canada operations include Atlantic, Ontario and Western. The REIT is externally managed and operated by Slate Management ULC.
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