Oracle Power PLC update that further to its announcement on 19 June 2024, company consultant geologists have recovered what they consider to be on initial analysis excellent copper samples from site at the Blue Rock Valley Copper and Silver Project. The Project is located 165km southeast of Onslow, the main port for the region's Iron and LNG exports, which is a multi-user port. The Project site is accessed from the North West Coastal Highway on a well-maintained unsaled road.
Highlights: Company consultant geologists have now completed a site visit to Blue Rock Valley; Samples have been logged, recorded and taken to Perth for analysis; Samples will be submitted for assay this week and results will be announced in due course; On confirmation of the high-grade samples from the laboratory, the Company will: Further refine the benefits of ground gravity, electromagnetics or other geophysical programme over the greater project area; Get quotes for a ground based electromagnetic ("EM") survey over an airborne EM anomaly that was defined as a result of prior work that is undrilled and untested and sits in a syncline of sedimentary rocks that are potentially ideal for base metals (copper, lead, zinc) and silver to be deposited; Undertake drilling when viable; Further targeting tools will continue to be assessed in order to refine and develop targets; Gold and uranium are also being targeted as these deposit types occur within the Ashburton Basin.