Nova Pacific Metals Corp. reported on the history and revitalization plans for its Lara Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide (VMS) deposit. The Lara property is located 15 km west of Chemainus on southern Vancouver Island, British Columbia, in a prospective belt of uplifted Sicker Group volcanics which hosts a number of former VMS mines and mineral occurrences.

The Lara deposit, discovered in 1984 by Laramide Resources Ltd. in partnership with Abermin Corporation, was the subject of significant exploration efforts during the 1980's, only to languish as the result of depressed metal prices through the 1990's. The Lara deposit's story began when geologist Gary Belik, an expert in volcanogenic base metal deposits, staked a mineralized outcrop on ground previously held by Cominco Ltd. This serendipitous find led to a series of exploration campaigns that have progressively unveiled the deposit's potential. Results of these efforts were highlighted by an 8.2-meter intersection of massive sulphides averaging 3.01 % zinc, 0.68% copper, 0.45% lead, 2.86 g/t gold and 55.85 g/t silver in the 12th diamond drill hole. Extensive exploration followed, with 61 drill holes being completed in the 1985 exploration season and the definition of what became known as the Coronation Zone and its extensions.

A further 75 diamond drill holes were drilled in 1986, resulting in the definition of a high-grade trend in the Coronation Zone that was 152.4 m in length and 3.35 m thick, averaging: 6.80 g/t gold, 189.94 g/t silver, 14.9% zinc, 1.5% copper and 3.1% lead. In addition, further exploration targets were defined along the Coronation Trend and elsewhere on the property. Over 10,000 m of infill drilling was completed by Minnova, an investing partner, on the Coronation Zone in 1989.

The following year, Minnova completed an additional 49 exploration holes totaling 11,167 m. Twenty-six (6,188 m) of these holes tested the 262 Zone, a distal exhalite horizon, sub-parallel to and in the hanging wall of the Coronation Zone. In 1994, renowned geologists Dr. Giles Peatfield and Richard Walker conducted a comprehensive reinterpretation of the property's geology. Their report, "Reinterpretation of Geological Relationships on the Cowichan Uplift Polymetallic Mineral Property" recommended a program of geological remapping and identified six drilling targets based on the concept that VMS base metal deposits typically occur in clusters.