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Chart Montepino Logística, SOCIMI, S.A.
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Logo Montepino Logística, SOCIMI, S.A.
Montepino Logística, SOCIMI, S.A. is a Listed Real Estate Investment Company (REIT) specialized in the ownership and management of logistics real estate assets (warehouses, distribution centers, etc.) located in Spain. At the end of 2023, the company has a portfolio of 51 real estate assets (of which 25 operative) with a gross leasable area of 956,743 m2 for an estimated value of EUR 1,252.2 million.
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  1. Stock Market
  2. Equities
  3. MLMTP Stock
  4. News Montepino Logística, SOCIMI, S.A.
  5. Montepino Logística Sells Spanish Logistics Project for EUR13 Million