January 15, 2025
Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd.
Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. ("K" LINE) has enriched its information disclosure with a focus on governance, strategy, risk and impact management and metrics and targets in accordance with the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) framework version 1.0 (official version), published by the TNFD in September 2023.
URL for Information disclosed based on the TNFD framework
As a part of its disclosure of information based on the TNFD framework, "K" LINE introduced the LEAP approach*1 proposed by the TNFD for the evaluation of environmental risk and the nature-related impact of its business and it comprehensively assessed risks and opportunities*2 in October 2023. In addition, "K" LINE joined the TNFD Forum*3 in November 2023.
In March 2024, "K" LINE registered as a TNFD Adopter,*4 an organization swiftly adopting the disclosure recommendations published by TNFD in September 2023, and endeavored to continuously enrich the information it discloses.
The Group's businesses are dependent on natural capital, mainly from the ocean, and it considers its efforts to address not only climate change issues but also biodiversity conservation, especially in the ocean, to be one of the most important themes in its business activities. To more strictly manage risks and opportunities based on a comprehensive understanding of climate change and natural resources, "K" LINE will continue to enrich its assessment, analysis and disclosure of information with a view toward the establishment of a sustainable future.
*1 It is an integrated evaluation process for managing nature-related risks and opportunities advocated by the TNFD for information disclosure, consisting of four phases: Locate (interface with nature), Evaluate (dependencies and impacts on nature), Assess (significant nature-related risks and opportunities), and Prepare (for responses and reporting).
*2 October 17, 2023: Disclosure of information based on the TNFD Framework
*3 This forum consists of participating businesses, financial institutions, research institutions and other organizations committed to supporting the discussions of the TNFD and providing support for the construction of its framework.
November 13, 2023: Participation in the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) Forum
*4 TNFD Adopters are businesses and organizations that register their intent to start publicly disclosing information in alignment with the TNFD Recommendations and are required to begin disclosing information that conforms to the TNFD Recommendations in either fiscal 2024 or fiscal 2025.
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K Line - Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd. published this content on January 15, 2025, and is solely responsible for the information contained herein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on January 15, 2025 at 02:06:03.672.