Executive Committee: Intel Corporation

Positions heldSince
David Zinsner

David Zinsner

57 year

Chief Executive Officer 2024-11-30
Director of Finance/CFO 2022-01-16
Greg Lavender

Greg Lavender

Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 2021-05-31
Scott Gawel

Scott Gawel

54 year

Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 2022-07-05
April Boise

April Boise

56 year

General Counsel 2022-07-05
Corporate Secretary 2022-07-31
Christopher Schell

Christopher Schell

54 year

Public Communications Contact 2022-03-13
Sales & Marketing 2022-03-13
Christine Pambianchi

Christine Pambianchi

56 year

Human Resources Officer 2021-09-06
Sarah Kemp

Sarah Kemp

58 year

General Counsel -
Erin Tyrrell

Erin Tyrrell

Investor Relations Contact -
Roshni Das

Roshni Das

Sales & Marketing 2012-03-31
Bruce H. Andrews

Bruce H. Andrews

General Counsel 2021-09-06
Daniel McKeon

Daniel McKeon

Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 1983-12-31
Michelle Holthaus

Michelle Holthaus

52 year

Chief Executive Officer 2024-11-30
Sharon Heck

Sharon Heck

54 year

Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 2017-12-31
Treasurer 2019-09-30

Composition of the Board of Directors: Intel Corporation

Frank Yeary

Frank Yeary

61 year

Governance Committee 2023-01-22
Nominating Committee 2023-01-22
Audit Committee 2015-07-16
Compensation Committee 2022-09-30
Stacy Smith

Stacy Smith

61 year

Governance Committee 2018-06-11
Nominating Committee 2018-06-11
Audit Committee 2024-03-11
Governance Committee Chair 2023-10-23
Nominating Committee Chair 2023-10-23
Barbara Novick

Barbara Novick

64 year

Executive Committee
Audit Committee 2022-11-30
Finance Committee 2022-11-30
Governance Committee 2022-11-30
Nominating Committee 2022-11-30
Omar Ishrak

Omar Ishrak

69 year

Audit Committee 2023-07-31
Finance Committee 2023-01-22
Governance Committee 2023-07-31
Nominating Committee 2023-07-31
Compensation Committee 2021-07-29
Eric Meurice

Eric Meurice

68 year

Compensation Committee 2014-06-02
Governance Committee Chair 2015-03-05
Nominating Committee Chair 2015-03-05
Audit Committee 2017-12-31
Finance Committee 2017-12-31
Andrea Goldsmith

Andrea Goldsmith

60 year

Governance Committee 2018-02-12
Nominating Committee 2018-02-12
Audit Committee 2021-08-31
Finance Committee 2021-08-31
Risa Lavizzo-Mourey

Risa Lavizzo-Mourey

70 year

Compensation Committee 2020-05-25
Governance Committee Chair 2023-01-02
Nominating Committee Chair 2023-01-02
Compensation Committee Chair 2021-04-19
Dion Weisler

Dion Weisler

57 year

Audit Committee 2017-03-02
Compensation Committee Chair
Compensation Committee 2020-05-31
HR Committee 2020-05-31
Alyssa Henry

Alyssa Henry

54 year

Compensation Committee 2020-05-13
Compensation Committee Chair
Audit Committee 2024-11-02
Steve Sanghi

Steve Sanghi

69 year

Audit Committee
Governance Committee Chair
Nominating Committee Chair
Tsu-Jae Liu

Tsu-Jae Liu

61 year

Governance Committee 2016-07-06
Nominating Committee 2016-07-06
Compensation Committee 2021-12-31
Greg Smith

Greg Smith

58 year

Audit Committee Chair
Finance Committee Chair
James Goetz

James Goetz

59 year

Audit Committee 2019-11-21
Compensation Committee 2019-11-12

Former Officers and Directors: Intel Corporation

Positions held
Reed Hundt
Reed Hundt
Director/Board Member 2000-12-31 2020-05-13
Independent Dir/Board Member 2000-12-31 2020-05-13
Andy Bryant
Andy Bryant
Chief Administrative Officer 2007-09-30 2012-02-23
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 1980-12-31 1994-01-31
Director/Board Member 2020-01-14 2020-05-13
Chairman 2012-05-20 2020-01-14
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 2011-07-26 2012-01-22
Director of Finance/CFO 1994-01-31 1998-12-31
Corporate Officer/Principal 1998-12-31 2007-09-30
Charlene Barshefsky
Charlene Barshefsky
Director/Board Member 2003-12-31 2018-05-16
Independent Dir/Board Member 2003-12-31 2018-05-16
Dave Pottruck
Dave Pottruck
Director/Board Member 1997-12-31 2018-05-16
Independent Dir/Board Member 1997-12-31 2018-05-16
David Bruce Yoffie
David Bruce Yoffie
Director/Board Member 1988-12-31 2018-05-16
Independent Dir/Board Member 1988-12-31 2018-05-16
James Plummer
James Plummer
Director/Board Member 2005-06-30 2017-05-17
Independent Dir/Board Member 2005-06-30 2017-05-17
Bill Holt
Bill Holt
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 1973-12-31 2016-06-29
Sue Decker
Sue Decker
Director/Board Member 2006-11-14 2016-05-18
Independent Dir/Board Member 2011-06-13 2016-05-18
Paul S. Otellini
Paul S. Otellini
Director/Board Member 2011-05-24 2013-05-15
Chief Executive Officer 2005-05-17 2013-05-15
Independent Dir/Board Member 2011-06-13 2011-06-14
President - 2013-05-15
Cary I. Klafter
Cary I. Klafter
Public Communications Contact 1995-12-31 2013-02-19
General Counsel 1995-12-31 2013-02-19
Corporate Secretary 1995-12-31 2013-02-19
John Thornton
John Thornton
Director/Board Member 2002-12-31 -
D. Sewell
D. Sewell
General Counsel 1996-09-30 2009-08-31
Patrick P. Gelsinger
Patrick P. Gelsinger
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 2001-12-31 2004-12-31
Corporate Officer/Principal 1978-12-31 -
Director/Board Member 2021-02-14 2024-11-30
Chief Executive Officer 2021-02-14 2024-11-30
Edmund Browne
Edmund Browne
Director/Board Member 1996-12-31 2006-11-19
Sunlin Chou
Sunlin Chou
Corporate Officer/Principal - 2004-12-31
Charlie Glavin
Charlie Glavin
Corporate Officer/Principal - 2004-09-30
Richard William Smith
Richard William Smith
Corporate Officer/Principal 1996-12-31 2003-12-31
Winston H. Chen
Winston H. Chen
Director/Board Member 1992-12-31 2003-12-31
Charles E. Young
Charles E. Young
Director/Board Member 2003-06-30 -
Michael Wodopian
Michael Wodopian
Corporate Officer/Principal 2000-02-29 2003-05-31
Robert W. Bass
Robert W. Bass
Corporate Officer/Principal 2001-02-28 2002-05-31
Gregg E. Adkin
Gregg E. Adkin
Corporate Officer/Principal 1985-12-31 2001-04-29
Trevor Loy
Trevor Loy
Corporate Officer/Principal - 1999-12-31
Marland Joseph Copeland
Marland Joseph Copeland
Sales & Marketing 1996-12-31 1999-12-31
Andrew S. Grove
Andrew S. Grove
Chairman 1996-12-31 -
Dave L. House
Dave L. House
Corporate Officer/Principal 1973-12-31 1995-12-31
George Mathew Tharakan
George Mathew Tharakan
Corporate Officer/Principal 1991-12-31 1995-12-30
Scott Nirenberski
Scott Nirenberski
Treasurer 1991-12-31 1995-04-30
Michael E. Barton
Michael E. Barton
Sales & Marketing 1985-01-31 1991-03-31
Thomas M. Kilroy
Thomas M. Kilroy
Corporate Officer/Principal 1989-12-31 -
Sales & Marketing 2009-10-25 2014-07-10
Bill Ong
Bill Ong
Corporate Officer/Principal 1983-12-31 -
George Schneer
George Schneer
Corporate Officer/Principal 1972-12-31 1987-12-30
Jack C. Carsten
Jack C. Carsten
President 1974-12-31 1987-12-30
Robert T. Derby
Robert T. Derby
Sales & Marketing 1973-12-31 1986-12-31
Sanjiv G. Hingorani
Sanjiv G. Hingorani
Corporate Officer/Principal 1982-12-31 1984-12-31
William H. Davidow
William H. Davidow
Sales & Marketing 1972-12-31 1984-12-31
John W. Jarve
John W. Jarve
Corporate Officer/Principal - 1984-12-30
Dan Ray
Dan Ray
Corporate Officer/Principal 1981-12-31 1984-12-30
Charles Gibson
Charles Gibson
Corporate Officer/Principal 1975-12-31 1982-12-31
Lucio Lanza
Lucio Lanza
Corporate Officer/Principal 1976-12-31 1982-12-31
Robert Jaymes Baker
Robert Jaymes Baker
Corporate Officer/Principal 1978-12-31 -
Mangesh Pimpalkhare
Mangesh Pimpalkhare
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Joseph Tou
Joseph Tou
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
David S. Heer
David S. Heer
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Jim Lally
Jim Lally
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Ashley Saunders
Ashley Saunders
Public Communications Contact - -
Bart Schachter
Bart Schachter
Director/Board Member 2011-04-26 -
Corporate Officer/Principal - 2011-04-26
Mike Reinking
Mike Reinking
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
William Sheppard
William Sheppard
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer - -
Tony Grover
Tony Grover
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Matthew Sanchez
Matthew Sanchez
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Brett Myers
Brett Myers
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Sachin Chopra
Sachin Chopra
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Richard DeLateur
Richard DeLateur
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Marc Abrams
Marc Abrams
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Norman K. Yeung
Norman K. Yeung
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Ramana Venkata
Ramana Venkata
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Andrew Malone
Andrew Malone
Sales & Marketing - -
Arun Ramamoorthy
Arun Ramamoorthy
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Arvind Purushotham
Arvind Purushotham
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Himanshu Choksi
Himanshu Choksi
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Travis Heath
Travis Heath
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
F. Thomas Dunlap
F. Thomas Dunlap
General Counsel - -
Gus Richard
Gus Richard
Sales & Marketing - -
Greg G. Seals
Greg G. Seals
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Peter Green
Peter Green
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Ira Blumberg
Ira Blumberg
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Jesse L. Parker
Jesse L. Parker
Sales & Marketing - -
Patrick J. Piccininno
Patrick J. Piccininno
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer - -
Rick Shriner
Rick Shriner
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Ronald Yara
Ronald Yara
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Ron Cao
Ron Cao
Sales & Marketing - -
Thomas Lauer
Thomas Lauer
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Jessie Darnell Magee
Jessie Darnell Magee
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Tad Nygren
Tad Nygren
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Rick Joshi
Rick Joshi
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Larry R. Hootnick
Larry R. Hootnick
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Ed D. Ekstrom
Ed D. Ekstrom
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Jaswinder Singh
Jaswinder Singh
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Leslie L. Vadasz
Leslie L. Vadasz
Corporate Officer/Principal 1967-12-31 -

Age distribution of managers

Parity Men Women

Male 51
Female 18

Of which Executive Committee

Male 6
Female 7

Of which Directors

Male 11
Female 2


1 year Revenue revision
4 months Revenue revision
1 months Revenue revision
1 year EPS revision
4 months EPS revision


ESG: Ethical controversies
ESG: Human rights controversies
ESG: Tax subsidies controversies
Sharia compliant
Logo Intel Corporation
Intel Corporation is the world leading manufacturer of semiconductor. Net sales break down by family of products and services as follows: - computing architectures products (69.6%): processors and microprocessors (Pentium, Intel Xeon brands, etc.), graphics cards, chips and motherboards, connectivity products, cellular modems, Ethernet controllers, network components, storage products, etc. for PCs, servers, data centers, cloud networks, workstations, notebooks, Internet of Things, graphics architectures, intelligent peripherals and communications infrastructures. The group also develops associated software; - wafer manufacturing services (25%): accelerators, monolithic chips, silicon wafers, etc. The group also offers chiplet software and mask manufacturing equipment for advanced lithography; - other (5.4%). Net sales (including intragroup) are distributed geographically as follows: the United States (24.5%), China (29.2%), Singapore (19.2%), Taiwan (14.7%) and others (12.4%).
More about the company

Departures of Key Persons

Andrew S. Grove
Andrew S. Grove


1996-12-31 -

Craig Barrett
Craig Barrett

Chief Executive Officer

1997-12-31 2008-12-31

Patrick P. Gelsinger
Patrick P. Gelsinger

Chief Executive Officer

2021-02-14 2024-11-30

Jane E. Shaw
Jane E. Shaw


2009-05-29 2012-05-17

Paul S. Otellini
Paul S. Otellini

Chief Executive Officer

2005-05-17 2013-05-15

Laura Oliphant
Laura Oliphant


1994-12-31 2015-12-31

Brian Krzanich
Brian Krzanich

Chief Executive Officer

2013-05-15 2018-06-19

Andy Bryant
Andy Bryant


2012-05-20 2020-01-14

Bob Swan
Bob Swan

Chief Executive Officer

2018-06-19 2021-02-14