HCL Technologies Limited board announced changes to its board and committees. Audit Committee (`AC') and Risk Management Committee (`RMC'): Mr. S. Madhavan would cease to be the Member & Chairperson, and Ms. Robin Abrams would cease to be the Member, of the AC and the RMC, on cessation of their respective terms as independent directors. With effect from August 5, 2024, the AC and the RMC would comprise of Mr. Deepak Kapoor, Ms. Bhavani Balasubramanian, Ms. Nishi Vasudeva, and Mr. Thomas Sieber, all being Independent Directors.
Mr. Deepak Kapoor would be the Chairperson of both the Committees (AC and RMC) with effect from the said date; Nomination and Remuneration Committee (`NRC'): Mr. R. Srinivasan, Dr. Mohan Chellappa and Ms. Robin Abrams, Independent Directors of the Company would cease to be members of the NRC on cessation of their respective terms as Independent Directors. With effect from August 5, 2024, the NRC would get reconstituted by co-opting Ms. Nishi Vasudeva, Independent Director as a member of the NRC. Accordingly, the NRC would comprise of Ms. Vanitha Narayanan, Mr. Simon John England and Ms. Nishi Vasudeva, all being Independent Directors.
Ms. Vanitha Narayanan would continue as the Chairperson of the NRC. Stakeholders Relationship Committee: Mr. S. Madhavan, Independent Director of the Company would cease to be the Member & Chairperson of the SRC on cessation of his term as Independent Director. With effect from August 5, 2024, the SRC would get reconstituted by co-opting Ms. Nishi Vasudeva, Independent Director as amember of the SRC.
Ms. Nishi Vasudeva would also be the Chairperson of the SRC. Accordingly, the SRC would comprise of Ms. Nishi Vasudeva as Chairperson and Ms. Roshni Nadar Malhotra, and Mr. Shikhar Malhotra as members. Corporate Social Responsibility Committee: Mr. S. Madhavan and Dr. Mohan Chellappa, Independent Directors of the Company would cease to be members of the CSR Committee on cessation of their respective terms as Independent Directors.
With effect from August 5, 2024, the CSR Committee would get reconstituted by co-opting Ms. Bhavani Balasubramanian and Mr. Simon John England, Independent Directors as members. Accordingly, the CSR Committee would comprise of Ms. Roshni Nadar Malhotra, Ms. Bhavani Balasubramanian and Mr. Simon John England. Ms. Roshni Nadar Malhotra would continue as the Chairperson of the CSR Committee.
ESG & Diversity Equity Inclusion (DEI) Committee: Ms. Robin Abrams, Independent Director of the Company would cease to be the Member & Chairperson of the ESG & DEI Committee on cessation of her term as Independent Director. With effect from August 5, 2024, the ESG & DEI Committee would get reconstituted by co-opting Ms Bhavani Balasubramanian, Independent Director as member of the Committee. Accordingly, the ESG & DEI Committee would comprise of Mr. Simon John England, Ms. Bhavani Balasubramanian, and Ms. Roshni Nadar Malhotra; Mr. Simon John England would be the Chairperson of the ESG & DE Committee with effect from the said date.