FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - Flying from Frankfurt will become even more expensive: At Germany's largest airport, prices for certain services provided by the operator will rise by 5.7 percent in the coming year, as announced by Fraport. A corresponding contract has been concluded with the airlines based in Frankfurt and approved by the aviation supervisory authority of the state of Hesse.

In detail, the agreement concerns fees for take-offs, landings and parking of aircraft, which are to be paid by the airlines. These are partly dependent on the noise pollution caused by the respective aircraft type. A general charge is also levied per departing passenger.

Independently of this, there is also the aviation security fee, which covers passenger checks. From next year, this may increase from the current 10 to a maximum of 15 euros per passenger. All costs are generally passed on to passengers via the ticket prices.

According to Fraport, the contract on the fees has a term of four years and provides for lower levels in the later stages, so that an average annual increase of just under 4 percent is achieved.

In recent months, the industry has blamed the high state-imposed fees and taxes for the sluggish recovery of air traffic in Germany. The airport operator Fraport - an MDax company dominated by the state of Hesse and the city of Frankfurt - is now responsible for the increase in charges./ceb/DP/mis