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Falcon Metals Limited is an Australia-based gold exploration company. The Company's projects include Pyramid Hill Gold Project, Viking Project and Mount Jackson Project. The Pyramid Hill Gold Project has over 7,000 square kilometers (km2) of granted permits in Victoria, focused on undercover areas of the Bendigo Zone that is host to the high-grade historic >22 million ounces (Mo)z Bendigo goldfield and the 9 Moz Fosterville Gold Mine owned by Agnico Eagle. The Viking Project is located approximately 30 kilometers (km) east of the regional township of Norseman within the high-grade metamorphic Albany-Fraser Province. The Viking Project consists of one granted exploration license (E63/1963) and one license application (E63/1994) which collectively totals 307.6 km2. The Company has a 51% interest in the E63/1963 license with earning up to 70%. The Mount Jackson Project is located approximately 350 km northeast of Perth and 110 km north-northwest of the regional township of Southern Cross.
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