Share class: Equinor ASA

VoteQuantityFree-FloatCompany-owned sharesTotal Float
Stock A13,003,104,605880,424,605 ( 29.32 %) 53,759,167 ( 1.79 %) 29.32 %

Major shareholders: Equinor ASA

Government of Norway
67 %
1,871,163,424 67 % 43 648 M kr
3.845 %
107,381,599 3.845 % 2 505 M kr
Equinor ASA
2.53 %
70,665,908 2.53 % 1 648 M kr
Storebrand Asset Management AS
0.7319 %
20,439,623 0.7319 % 477 M kr
KLP Kapitalforvaltning AS
0.5545 %
15,484,914 0.5545 % 361 M kr
Dodge & Cox
0.5067 %
14,150,538 0.5067 % 330 M kr
SAFE Investment Co. Ltd.
0.3629 %
10,135,834 0.3629 % 236 M kr
Sarasin & Partners LLP
0.2994 %
8,360,610 0.2994 % 195 M kr
Alfred Berg Kapitalforvaltning AS
0.2216 %
6,190,175 0.2216 % 144 M kr
ODIN Forvaltning AS
0.1492 %
4,167,586 0.1492 % 97 M kr
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0.001315 %
73,450 0.001315 % 850 088 kr
BRAM - Bradesco Asset Management SA DTVM
0 %
3 0 % 35 kr
Fidelity Management & Research Co. LLC
0.5139 %
14,353,049 0.5139 % 340 M kr
Arrowstreet Capital LP
0.3859 %
10,776,885 0.3859 % 255 M kr
Goldman Sachs Asset Management LP
0.1586 %
4,428,674 0.1586 % 105 M kr
Merrill Lynch International
0.1408 %
3,932,683 0.1408 % 93 M kr
0.1349 %
3,766,486 0.1349 % 89 M kr
Wellington Trust Co., NA
0.1343 %
3,751,243 0.1343 % 89 M kr
Morgan Stanley Capital Services LLC
0.0936 %
2,614,489 0.0936 % 62 M kr
Balyasny Asset Management LP
0.0669 %
1,868,830 0.0669 % 44 M kr
Two Sigma Investments LP
0.0469 %
1,308,939 0.0469 % 31 M kr
BlackRock Advisors LLC
0.038 %
1,062,401 0.038 % 25 M kr
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Breakdown by shareholder type

Equinor ASA2.53%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Geographical origin of shareholders

Norway 75.59%
United States 0.58%
United Kingdom 0.48%
Hong Kong 0.37%
Germany 0.1%
Italy 0.09%
Switzerland 0.09%
Sweden 0.07%
Ireland 0.07%
Denmark 0.05%
France 0.04%
Canada 0.04%
Finland 0.03%
Austria 0.02%
Luxembourg 0.02%
Individuals 0.01%
Japan 0.01%
Liechtenstein 0.01%
Spain 0.01%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Logo Equinor ASA
Equinor ASA is Scandinavia's No. 1 oil group. Net sales break down by activity as follows: - refining and distribution of oil products (98.7%): purchasing and sales of crude oil, production of methanol and distribution of refined products. The group is also involved in transformation, transport and sale of natural gas; - exploration and production of petrol and natural gas (1.1%); - other (0.2%).
More about the company