Executive Committee: EPAM Systems, Inc.

Positions heldSince
Arkadiy Dobkin

Arkadiy Dobkin

65 year

Chief Executive Officer 2002-11-30
Founder 1992-12-31
President 2002-11-30
Edward Rockwell

Edward Rockwell

57 year

General Counsel 2018-09-30
Corporate Secretary 2018-09-30
Philip Storm

Philip Storm

Compliance Officer 2017-05-31
Jason Peterson

Jason Peterson

62 year

Director of Finance/CFO 2017-05-09
Treasurer -
Gary Abrahams

Gary Abrahams

57 year

Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 2017-03-31
Larry Solomon

Larry Solomon

60 year

Human Resources Officer 2016-09-30
Yuriy Goliyad

Yuriy Goliyad

Chief Operating Officer 2014-12-31
Elaina Shekhter

Elaina Shekhter

55 year

Sales & Marketing 2015-02-28
Sam Rehman

Sam Rehman

Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 2013-04-30

Composition of the Board of Directors: EPAM Systems, Inc.

Arkadiy Dobkin

Arkadiy Dobkin

65 year

Chairman 2010-08-30
Ronald Vargo

Ronald Vargo

71 year

Audit Committee 2012-02-06
Governance Committee Chair
Nominating Committee Chair
Compensation Committee
Audit Committee Chair
DeAnne Aguirre

DeAnne Aguirre

64 year

Executive Committee
Audit Committee 2022-04-24
Compensation Committee
Governance Committee 2023-03-13
Nominating Committee 2023-03-13
Richard Mayoras

Richard Mayoras

66 year

Compensation Committee 2015-02-12
Governance Committee 2015-02-12
Nominating Committee 2015-02-12
Jill Smart

Jill Smart

65 year

Compensation Committee Chair 2017-12-31
Compensation Committee 2021-09-01
Governance Committee Chair 2021-09-01
Karl Robb

Karl Robb

62 year

Compensation Committee 2021-09-28
Nominating Committee 2021-09-28
Robert Segert

Robert Segert

56 year

Governance Committee 2011-12-31
Nominating Committee 2011-12-31
Helen Shan

Helen Shan

58 year

Compensation Committee 2019-09-29
Audit Committee Chair 2018-09-23
Eugene Roman

Eugene Roman

67 year

Audit Committee 2020-02-10
Chandra McMahon

Chandra McMahon

58 year

Audit Committee 2023-06-27

Former Officers and Directors: EPAM Systems, Inc.

Positions held
David Straube
David Straube
Investor Relations Contact 2016-12-31 2024-04-30
Val Tsitlik
Val Tsitlik
Corporate Officer/Principal - 2024-04-30
Peter Eck
Peter Eck
Private Equity Investor 2022-02-28 2022-07-31
Dan Degan
Dan Degan
Director/Board Member 2019-10-31 2021-04-30
Yuriy Gankin
Yuriy Gankin
Corporate Officer/Principal 2014-05-31 2019-11-30
Peter Kürpick
Peter Kürpick
Director/Board Member 2014-09-15 2019-07-30
Independent Dir/Board Member 2014-09-15 2019-07-30
Martin Focazio
Martin Focazio
Private Equity Investor 2012-11-30 2019-03-30
Anthony J. Conte
Anthony J. Conte
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 2013-11-07 2015-02-12
Compliance Officer 2005-12-31 -
Director of Finance/CFO 2013-11-07 2017-05-09
Investor Relations Contact 2005-12-31 2017-01-31
Corporate Officer/Principal 2005-12-31 2013-11-07
Treasurer 2013-11-07 2017-05-09
Jennifer Reese
Jennifer Reese
Public Communications Contact - 2015-01-31
Drew Guff
Drew Guff
Director/Board Member 2005-12-31 2014-06-12
Independent Dir/Board Member 2005-12-31 2014-06-12
Donald Paul Spencer
Donald Paul Spencer
Director/Board Member 2012-01-31 2014-04-30
Independent Dir/Board Member 2012-01-31 2014-04-30
Corporate Secretary 2012-01-31 2012-02-06
Ilya Cantor
Ilya Cantor
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 2006-06-30 2013-11-07
Director of Finance/CFO 2006-06-30 2013-11-07
Investor Relations Contact 2006-06-30 2013-11-07
Public Communications Contact 2006-06-30 2013-11-07
Treasurer 2011-06-12 2013-11-07
Ross Goodhart
Ross Goodhart
Director/Board Member 2011-06-12 2013-01-07
Independent Dir/Board Member 2008-12-31 2013-01-07
Joseph King
Joseph King
Sales & Marketing 2012-12-31 -
Ginger Mosier
Ginger Mosier
General Counsel 2011-06-12 -
Corporate Secretary 2010-02-28 -
Isaak Karaev
Isaak Karaev
Corporate Officer/Principal 2011-06-12 -
Alex Lyashok
Alex Lyashok
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 2008-12-31 2013-07-11
Corporate Officer/Principal 2013-07-11 -
Robert H. Silver
Robert H. Silver
Director/Board Member 2005-12-31 -
Anatoly Gaverdovskiy
Anatoly Gaverdovskiy
Chief Operating Officer 2005-12-31 -
Chris Dykstra
Chris Dykstra
Private Equity Investor 2000-09-30 2004-07-30
William Gargano
William Gargano
Sales & Marketing 2002-12-31 2003-12-31
Chief Operating Officer 1999-12-31 2001-12-31
President 1999-12-31 2001-12-31
Max Bogretsov
Max Bogretsov
Corporate Officer/Principal 1996-12-31 -
Leonid Lozner
Leonid Lozner
Founder 1992-12-31 -
John J. Mahoney
John J. Mahoney
Public Communications Contact 2011-08-25 2012-02-06
Corporate Officer/Principal 2011-06-12 2012-05-23
Sales & Marketing 2011-06-12 -
Lilya Chernova
Lilya Chernova
Public Communications Contact - -
Emily Catuzzi
Emily Catuzzi
Public Communications Contact - -
David Scott
David Scott
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Jason Denis Victor Harman
Jason Denis Victor Harman
Corporate Officer/Principal - -

Age distribution of managers

Parity Men Women

Male 17
Female 7

Of which Executive Committee

Male 8
Female 1

Of which Directors

Male 6
Female 4


1 year Revenue revision
4 months Revenue revision
1 months Revenue revision
1 year EPS revision
4 months EPS revision


StockField.ESG : Environnement
StockField.ESG : Social
StockField.ESG : Gouvernance
StockField.ESG : Polémique
ESG: Ethical controversies
ESG: Human rights controversies
ESG: Tax subsidies controversies
StockField.ESG : Conforme à la finance Islamique
Logo EPAM Systems, Inc.
EPAM Systems, Inc. specializes in the development and marketing of advanced digital solutions for companies and organizations. The group offers software engineering services, development and management of digital platforms, maintenance and optimization of IT infrastructures, consulting to companies, etc. Net sales break down by activity area as follows: - travel, transport and retail (22.9%); - financial services (21.7%); - information services and media (16.1%); - software and technology (15.1%); - life sciences and health (10.4%); - other (13.8%). Net sales are distributed geographically as follows: the United States (56.2%), the United Kingdom (12.5%), Switzerland (7.8%), the Netherlands (5%), Germany (3.8%), Canada (2.1%), Russia (0.3%), and other (12.3%).
More about the company