Listed companies


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Relation chart of related listed companies: Ensign Energy Services Inc.

Active Relations

Past Relations

Relationship chart for related private companies: Ensign Energy Services Inc.

Active Relations

Past Relations

Related private companies: Ensign Energy Services Inc.

Chartered Professional Accountants of Alberta

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Association of Professional Engineers & Geoscientists of AB

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

International Association of Drilling Contractors

Contract Drilling

Society of Petroleum Engineers, Inc.

Engineering & Construction

Canadian Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Active Relations

Past Relations

Connection statistics



Listed companies

Private companies

Activities of related companies

Miscellaneous Commercial Services3
Contract Drilling3
Oilfield Services/Equipment2
Integrated Oil2
Engineering & Construction1
Aerospace & Defense1
Other Metals/Minerals1

Countries of related companies

United States2
Logo Ensign Energy Services Inc.
Ensign Energy Services Inc. is a technologically advanced oilfield service provider. It provides oilfield services to the oil and natural gas industry in Canada, the United States and internationally. Its services include drilling, directional drilling, well servicing and rental equipment. Its well services include well completion and re-completions, well abandonment, production workovers, downhole pump servicing and/or replacement, well sidetracking and deepening, fishing and swabbing operations, and corod injection. It offers a comprehensive range of resolutions, customized to meet the needs of its customers, including advanced drilling systems, automation technologies, directional drilling tools, and environmental innovations. Its ASR 150 is a fully automated service rig that eliminates all manual manipulation of tubulars from the pipe rack to the make-up of a connection, reducing the number of personnel on the rig floor. It offers pressure testing, tool rentals or torque wrenches.
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