Executive Committee: Ensign Energy Services Inc.

Positions heldSince
Tolton Ron

Tolton Ron

Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer -
Justin Louie

Justin Louie

General Counsel -
Corporate Secretary -
Nicole Romanow

Nicole Romanow

Investor Relations Contact -
Jonathan Baskeyfield

Jonathan Baskeyfield

Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 2019-07-31
Iqbal Ahmed

Iqbal Ahmed

Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 2015-11-30
Michael Gray

Michael Gray

Director of Finance/CFO 2016-09-30
Cathy Robinson

Cathy Robinson

Human Resources Officer 2008-06-30
Robert Geddes

Robert Geddes

68 year

Chief Operating Officer 2003-12-31
President 2006-12-31

Composition of the Board of Directors: Ensign Energy Services Inc.

Norman Edwards

Norman Edwards

65 year

Executive Committee Chair
James Howe

James Howe

75 year

Audit Committee 2009-10-04
Compensation Committee Chair 1987-05-31
Compensation Committee 2009-10-04
Governance Committee 2009-10-04
Cary Moomjian

Cary Moomjian

77 year

Compensation Committee 2014-10-31
Governance Committee 2014-10-31
Nominating Committee 2014-10-31
Gary Casswell

Gary Casswell

72 year

Compensation Committee 2017-12-03
Governance Committee 2017-12-03
Nominating Committee 2017-12-03
Len Kangas

Len Kangas

76 year

Governance Committee Chair 1990-05-31
Nominating Committee Chair 1990-05-31
Barth Whitham

Barth Whitham

68 year

Audit Committee 2007-02-28
Karl Ruud

Karl Ruud

71 year

Director/Board Member 2023-10-31
Robert Geddes

Robert Geddes

68 year

Director/Board Member 2006-12-31
Darlene Haslam

Darlene Haslam

Director/Board Member 2022-03-16
Donna Carson

Donna Carson

Director/Board Member 2023-12-06
Independent Dir/Board Member 2023-12-06

Former Officers and Directors: Ensign Energy Services Inc.

Positions held
Gail Surkan
Gail Surkan
Director/Board Member 2006-02-28 2024-05-02
Independent Dir/Board Member 2006-02-28 2024-05-02
John Schroeder
John Schroeder
Director/Board Member 1990-05-31 2023-05-04
Independent Dir/Board Member 1990-05-31 2023-05-04
Suzzane Davies
Suzzane Davies
General Counsel 2006-12-31 2022-08-31
Corporate Secretary 2006-12-31 2022-08-31
Tom Connors
Tom Connors
Corporate Officer/Principal 2002-12-31 2020-04-30
Kenneth J. Skirka
Kenneth J. Skirka
Director/Board Member 2003-04-30 2018-05-03
Independent Dir/Board Member 2003-04-30 2018-05-03
Terry Kuiper
Terry Kuiper
Sales & Marketing 2016-11-02 2017-11-29
Glenn Dagenais
Glenn Dagenais
Director of Finance/CFO 1990-12-31 2014-12-31
Investor Relations Contact 1990-12-31 2014-12-31
Public Communications Contact 1990-12-31 2014-12-31
Brage Johannessen
Brage Johannessen
Corporate Officer/Principal 2014-10-31 -
Timothy A. Lemke
Timothy A. Lemke
Director of Finance/CFO 2015-06-30 -
Jack Donald
Jack Donald
Director/Board Member - 2008-05-20
Donald Jewitt
Donald Jewitt
Director/Board Member 1990-05-31 2007-05-22
Thomas C. Fellows
Thomas C. Fellows
Sales & Marketing 2003-12-31 2003-12-31
Thomas Medvedic
Thomas Medvedic
Treasurer 1993-12-31 -
Selby W. Porter
Selby W. Porter
Director/Board Member 1990-12-31 -
Suzanne Davies
Suzanne Davies
General Counsel - -
Corporate Secretary - -
Chad Werbowesky
Chad Werbowesky
Sales & Marketing - -
George S. Ward
George S. Ward
Director/Board Member - -
James D. Hill
James D. Hill
Director/Board Member - -
Ken Picard
Ken Picard
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Bruce Moyes
Bruce Moyes
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Leigh Kelln
Leigh Kelln
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor - -
Paul Meade-Clift
Paul Meade-Clift
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Gail Dawkins-Wood
Gail Dawkins-Wood
Public Communications Contact - -
Frank Pimiskern
Frank Pimiskern
Sales & Marketing - -
Murray Paton
Murray Paton
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer - -
Kimberley Reid
Kimberley Reid
Compliance Officer - -
Dave Fyhn
Dave Fyhn
Chief Administrative Officer - -
Reinaldo Fagundez-Tirado
Reinaldo Fagundez-Tirado
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor - -
Noel Lumsden
Noel Lumsden
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor - -
Pamela Ramotowski
Pamela Ramotowski
Human Resources Officer - -

Age distribution of managers

Parity Men Women

Male 17
Female 4

Of which Executive Committee

Male 6
Female 2

Of which Directors

Male 8
Female 2


1 year Revenue revision
4 months Revenue revision
1 months Revenue revision
1 year EPS revision
4 months EPS revision


ESG: Ethical controversies
ESG: Human rights controversies
ESG: Tax subsidies controversies
Sharia compliant
Logo Ensign Energy Services Inc.
Ensign Energy Services Inc. is a technologically advanced oilfield service provider. It provides oilfield services to the oil and natural gas industry in Canada, the United States and internationally. Its services include drilling, directional drilling, well servicing and rental equipment. Its well services include well completion and re-completions, well abandonment, production workovers, downhole pump servicing and/or replacement, well sidetracking and deepening, fishing and swabbing operations, and corod injection. It offers a comprehensive range of resolutions, customized to meet the needs of its customers, including advanced drilling systems, automation technologies, directional drilling tools, and environmental innovations. Its ASR 150 is a fully automated service rig that eliminates all manual manipulation of tubulars from the pipe rack to the make-up of a connection, reducing the number of personnel on the rig floor. It offers pressure testing, tool rentals or torque wrenches.
More about the company