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Logo CTT Systems AB
CTT Systems AB is a Sweden-based technology company engaged in the aviation industry. The Company develops, manufactures and sells humidity control systems for commercial aircrafts. Its activities are divided into three business units: CTT Systems, responsible for humidity control in aircraft; Bribo Mekaniska, providing stamped metal components; and Catron Elektronik, which offers communication and control equipment. The Company’s product portfolio comprises: Zonal Drying System, which eliminates the accumulation of condensation in an aircraft; Cair, a moisture management system that removes condensation from the aircraft’s structure and humidifies the cabin; Crew Humidifiers, increases humidity in the crew rest compartments and flight deck; as well as Cair VIP, a humidification system adapted to private jet plane. It collaborates with a range of entities, such as Boeing and Airbus. Furthermore, the Company is a parent of CTT Systems Inc, Catron Elektronik AB and Bribo Mekaniska AB.
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