The company has strong fundamentals. More than 70% of companies have a lower mix of growth, profitability, debt and visibility.
Overall, and from a short-term perspective, the company presents an interesting fundamental situation.
The company's MSCI ESG score, based on a ranking of the company relative to its industry, comes out particularly well.
Highlights: Costco Wholesale Corporation
The average price target of analysts who are interested in the stock has been strongly revised upwards over the last four months.
Considering the small differences between the analysts' various estimates, the group's business visibility is good.
Weaknesses: Costco Wholesale Corporation
As a percentage of sales and without taking into account depreciation and amortization, the company has relatively low margins.
The company does not generate enough profits, which is an alarming weak point.
The company's valuation in terms of earnings multiples is rather high. Indeed, the firm is getting paid 58.9 times its estimated earnings per share for the ongoing year.
The company appears highly valued given the size of its balance sheet.
The valuation of the company is particularly high given the cash flows generated by its activity.
The company is not the most generous with respect to shareholders' compensation.