Coast Copper Corp. announced positive assay results from reconnaissance exploration conducted at three of its six 100% owned mineral properties, all of which are in the province of British Columbia. Coast Copper's generative program, which commenced in 2023, was scaled up in 2024 resulting in the acquisition of two new projects (Sully and Sweeney).

The 2024 field programs involved early stage exploration at three of the Company's six BC projects including its Empire Mine property on which Coast Copper published a National Instrument 43-101 mineral resource estimate in May 2023. Throughout 2024, Coast Copper expanded the Empire Mine property to the northwest through staking and the property now covers 17,125 hectares ("ha"; 42,316 acres) along a prospective trend that stretches over 25 kilometers ("km") including 28 known mineral occurrences. The northwest area of Empire Mine is known as Big Zinc and is historically known as prospective for zinc, lead and silver, with a similar geological setting as the Merry Widow deposit (located 16 km southeast).

Approximately 4,500 tonnes of ore grading between 4 to 5% Zn was reported to occur in surface exposures in 1974, and in 2017 a sample from the zone yielded 1.43% Zn. A total of 16 soil, 11 rock and 5 moss matt samples were collected over the northwest section of the Empire Mine property. Rock sample MWCM24-004 returned 1.37% Zn and 12.95 g/t Ag and sample MWCM24-005 returned 7.50% Zn, 1.16% Pb and 56.45 g/t Ag.

These assay results are consistent with the historical results in the Big Zinc area and show the potential for district scale polymetallic mineralization at Empire. Additional work in this area is proposed. In July 2024, a total of 30 moss matt, 14 soil and 2 rock samples were taken at the Knob Hill NW property, which is located to the west of Northisle's recent discoveries at the NW Expo zone.

The soil and moss matt samples had elevated copper in the southwest area around magnetic highs and along trend with Northisle's copper-gold Porphyry deposits². For example, rock sample KH2024R- 001 taken in this area returned 0.16 g/t Au, 41.64 g/t Ag and 0.67% Cu. This area is prospective for porphyry copper-gold potential.

Moss matt samples KH2024MM-005 and 006, taken along the eastern portion of the Knob Hill NW property, returned 1.07 and 1.40 ppm Au, this zone is located approximately 5.5 km of northwest of Northisle's NW Expo zone ². The Knob Hill NW property is an early-stage exploration but is located at the western end of a 50 km trend that originates from the past producing Island Copper Mine and passes through Northisle's property. The results encountered thus far have been very encouraging and consequently, the Company conducted a second phase program in early September to follow up on the positive results and is awaiting the results from this program.

A total of 11 rock, 22 stream and 27 soil and 2 moss matt samples were collected at the Sully property over a 5-day period in July 2024 as part of an initial reconnaissance for Sullivan-style massive sulphide, intrusive related copper, gold and molybdenum ("Mo") and structurally related base and precious metal deposit potential. Soil sample SU2024S-005 returned 4.23 ppm Ag, 460.5 ppm Cu, 1,138.6 ppm Pb and 456 ppm Zn. Rock sample Su2024R03 returned 0.94 g/t Au, 118 g/t Ag, 1.93% Cu and 0.19% Zn, and rock sample SU2024R04 returned 1.81 g/t Au, 295 g/t Ag, 4.29% Cu and 0.38% Zn.

Additionally, samples around the Jolly Molly minfile occurrence had elevated copper, molybdenum and tungsten levels near a mapped intrusion showing the potential for a copper-molybdenum porphyry discovery. Coast Copper continues to evaluate other projects through research, and once modest property examinations have been completed, if the properties meet the Company's criteria, they will become part of the Company's property portfolio through staking or purchase. Soil samples were taken at 25 m spacings when possible and by up to 50 m spacings in areas of interest.

All samples were taken from the B horizon soil profile. Sampling completed on the projects in 2024 was supervised by on­site Coast Copper personnel and sub-contractors who collected and tracked samples and implemented a full QA/QC program using blanks, standards and duplicates to monitor analytical accuracy and precision. The samples were sealed on site and shipped to MSA Labs in Langley BC for analysis.

MSA Labs' quality control system complies with global certifications for Quality ISO9001:2008. Soil samples were dried and screened to 80 mesh and then analyzed in 20g samples with multi-element ICP-MS Aqua Regia digestion (IMS-131and IMS-128. Rock samples were dried and crushed to 70% passing 2mm mesh and split to 250g samples which were pulverized to 85% passing 75m and then analyzed by 4-acid digestion with a ICP-MS finish (IMS-230).

Gold contents were analyzed by fire assay 30g sample with an AA finish (FAS-111). Sully Rock samples were analyzed for Gold, Platinum and Palladium by fire assay with a ICP-ES finish on a 30g sample. Ag samples >100 ppm were analyzed ICF-Ag.

Copper, Zinc and Lead assays greater than 10,000 ppm were completed with ICF-6, 4acid, ICP- AES ore grade analysis.