Major shareholders: Bridgestone Corporation

Ishibashi Foundation
10.75 %
76,693,000 10.75 % 2 605 M ¥
Bridgestone Corp.
4.05 %
28,903,600 4.05 % 982 M ¥
21,000,000 2.942 % 713 M ¥
BlackRock Fund Advisors
2.825 %
20,161,033 2.825 % 685 M ¥
Nagasaka Sangyo KK
2.287 %
16,325,000 2.287 % 555 M ¥
Nikko Asset Management Co., Ltd.
1.971 %
14,069,100 1.971 % 478 M ¥
Nippon Life Insurance Co.
1.852 %
13,218,000 1.852 % 449 M ¥
BlackRock Japan Co. Ltd.
1.8 %
12,847,100 1.8 % 436 M ¥
Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc.
0.6305 %
4,500,000 0.6305 % 153 M ¥
Toyota Motor Corp. Pension Fund
0.5589 %
3,988,674 0.5589 % 135 M ¥
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Hantz Financial Services, Inc.
0.004972 %
70,974 0.004972 % 1 M ¥
Lester Murray Antman (Investment Management)
0.002158 %
30,800 0.002158 % 523 261 ¥
RhumbLine Advisers LP
0.000961 %
13,711 0.000961 % 232 936 ¥
GAMMA Investing LLC
0.000172 %
2,453 0.000172 % 41 674 ¥
First Horizon Advisors, Inc.
0.000032 %
450 0.000032 % 7 645 ¥
PNC Investments LLC
0.000024 %
336 0.000024 % 5 708 ¥
Thurston, Springer, Miller, Herd & Titak, Inc.
0.000005 %
67 0.000005 % 1 138 ¥

Breakdown by shareholder type

Bridgestone Corp.4.05%
Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc.0.63%
Toyo Tire Corp.0.27%
Tokai Carbon Co., Ltd.0.1%
Sompo Holdings, Inc.0.07%
Shimano, Inc.0.06%
MS&AD Insurance Group Holdings, Inc.0.06%
Pacific Industrial Co., Ltd.0.05%
Honda Motor Co., Ltd.0.03%
Iseki & Co., Ltd.0.02%
Yellow Hat Ltd.0.01%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Geographical origin of shareholders

Japan 25.31%
Individuals 2.94%
United States 2.87%
United Kingdom 0.6%
Netherlands 0.19%
Canada 0.19%
Ireland 0.17%
Sweden 0.15%
Norway 0.12%
Switzerland 0.08%
France 0.07%
Denmark 0.06%
Luxembourg 0.05%
Belgium 0.03%
Singapore 0.03%
Finland 0.03%
Germany 0.03%
China 0.02%
Austria 0.02%
Italy 0.02%
Spain 0.01%
Malaysia 0.01%
Australia 0.01%
South Africa 0.01%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Logo Bridgestone Corporation
Bridgestone Corporation specializes in the manufacturing and marketing of tires. Products are intended for individual cars, trucks, buses, construction engines, aircraft and motorcycles. The group also provides automotive maintenance services. Net sales are distributed geographically as follows: Japan (22%), Americas (47.8%), Europe/Russia/Middle East-India/Africa (20.6%), China and Asia/Pacific (9.2%) and others (0.4%).
More about the company