Business description: Boliden

Boliden AB is Europe's No. 3 zinc and copper producer. The group is also active in metal casting, refining, and recycling. Boliden AB also produces gold, silver and lead. Net sales break down by activity as follows:

- metal production and processing (98.3%);

- metal extraction (1.7%): primarily zinc and copper.

At the end of 2023, the group had 5 mines located in Sweden (3), Finland, and Ireland.

Net sales are distributed geographically as follows: Sweden (8.8%), Finland (10.2%), Nordic countries (0.7%), Germany (19.4%), the United Kingdom (18.6%), Europe (39.5%), North America (0.1%) and other (2.7%).

Number of employees: 6,000

Sales by Activity: Boliden

Fiscal Period: December20192020202120222023


48.56B 55.28B 67.29B 84.79B 77.2B


17.06B 18.13B 22.04B 24.76B 18.68B


148M 204M 488M 401M 259M


-15.83B -17.29B -21.19B -23.51B -17.58B
See all business segments

Geographical breakdown of sales: Boliden

Fiscal Period: December20192020202120222023

Europe, Other

12.66B 16.11B 20.62B 26.67B 31B


12.01B 13.42B 15B 18.97B 15.26B

United Kingdom

11.3B 13.88B 14.52B 18.52B 14.62B


- - - 8.19B 8.04B


7.29B 6.59B 9.42B 10.91B 6.91B

Other Countries

1.46B 1.39B 1.27B 2.18B 2.12B

Nordic Region, Other

5.14B 4.85B 7.76B 730M 530M

North America

78M 77M 27M 254M 78M
See all geographic segments

Managers: Boliden

Director TitleAgeSince
Chief Executive Officer 60 2018-05-31
Director of Finance/CFO 58 2016-03-31
Investor Relations Contact - 2018-02-28
Corporate Officer/Principal 48 2012-12-31
Human Resources Officer 61 -
See BOLIDEN governance

Members of the board: Boliden

Manager TitleAgeSince
Director/Board Member 72 2015-05-04
Director/Board Member 60 2017-04-24
Director/Board Member 61 2018-12-31
Director/Board Member 63 2019-12-31
Director/Board Member 66 2020-12-31
Chairman 65 2021-12-31
Director/Board Member 63 2021-12-31
Director/Board Member 57 2021-12-31
Director/Board Member 52 2021-12-31
Director/Board Member 46 2022-12-31
Composition of the Board of Directors

Shareholders: Boliden

Swedbank Robur Fonder AB
4.769 %
13,044,196 4.769 % 367 M kr
T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. (IM)
2.5 %
6,837,779 2.5 % 192 M kr
AMF Fonder AB
1.9 %
5,196,712 1.9 % 146 M kr
BlackRock Fund Advisors
1.858 %
5,082,619 1.858 % 143 M kr
Söderbloms Factoringtjänst AB
1.8 %
4,923,201 1.8 % 138 M kr
RhumbLine Advisers LP
0.004657 %
6,369 0.004657 % 357 957 kr
GAMMA Investing LLC
0.001454 %
1,988 0.001454 % 111 732 kr
List of BOLIDEN shareholders

Company details: Boliden

Boliden AB

Klarabergsviadukten 90

101 20, Stockholm

+46 86 10 15 00
address Boliden(BOL)

Group companies: Boliden

NameCategory and Sector
Other Metals/Minerals
Precious Metals
Other Metals/Minerals
Other Metals/Minerals
See all subsidiaries

Other Specialty Mining & Metals

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Change 5d. change 1-year change 3-years change Capi.($)
+0.53%+13.59%+41.33%-3.47% 9.47B
+2.23%+5.57%+20.54%+55.30% 76.45B
+2.88%+6.61%-2.50%-1.75% 54.92B
+1.03%-.--%-.--%-22.01% 26.29B
+1.01%+4.55%+36.22%+44.10% 20.48B
-0.76%-4.85%+66.28%+46.00% 9.8B
+0.63%+4.07%+15.14%-3.33% 8.42B
+1.81%+4.97%-28.19%-61.36% 6.99B
+1.34%+1.06%-9.44%-32.51% 6.59B
+1.50%+3.36%+3.36%-2.59% 5.93B
Average +1.04%+3.63%+14.27%+1.84% 22.53B
Weighted average by Cap. +1.37%+4.26%+13.78%+18.58%
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Quarterly revenue - Rate of surprise