On December 30, 2024, BOE Varitronix Limited and BOE Technology Group Company Limited entered into the Renewed Trademark License Agreement pursuant to which BOE agrees to grant the Group the right to use the Trademark in connection with the licensed display products and services of the Group on the following principal terms: Use of the Trademark: BOE agrees to grant the Group the right to use the Trademark in connection with the licensed display products and services of the Group, including but not limited to, on surfaces, packaging, manuals, transaction documents and brochure of the products; the brand identity (without specified products), including but not limited to, the use of the internal brand touchpoint (such as the building's logo, interior decoration, corporate office supplies and etc.) and the external brand promotion activities (such as exhibitions, forums, other promotion activities and etc.), and these activities can only use the Trademark for promotion purpose; and as a trade name for a company. Licence fee: The annual licence fee (tax inclusive) is at 0.5% of the revenue from the principal business less the internal purchases of the Company for the previous year, and less any discount (if applicable). The rate of the annual licence fee was arrived at after arm's length negotiations between the Company and BOE with reference to the historical transaction rate and proper adjustment; and the license fee charged by other licensors for similar transactions and the prevailing market conditions.
Term: A term from 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2026, both days inclusive. Payment: BOE issues a notice of the annual licence fee to the Company every year, and the Company or its subsidiaries shall pay the annual licence fee within 60 days of receiving the notice.